THD Boost
Activating the THD Boost function raises the level in
front of the gain control element. This generates ad-
ditional harmonics inside the input stage of this am-
plifier, which has a significant influence on the sonic structure
of a signal.
The mpressor 500 is a pure feed forward compressor, and the
gain potentiometer is placed before the control element. This
means that the intensity of the saturation can be raised or
lowered by different settings of the gain controller.
What's special: The detector in the sidechain of the compres-
sor runs in parallel and is therefore not influenced by the THD
Boost at all. The actual compression does not change, it is only
the sound which is being influenced.
You generate a saturated signal which as a result is also re-
duced in dynamics, but the actual control of the compressor
itself is always based on the original dynamics including all
transients, impulses and so on.
THD Normal
THD+N (%)
Input level (dB)
THD Boost
THD+N (%)
Input level (dB)