Run Scandisk
These fields allow you to set up a
schedule for running Scandisk regu-
larly. The available options are:
Never. Scandisk will not be sched-
uled to run.
Every Day. Select this to have scan-
disk run each day, at the specified
Every Monday, Every Tuesday...
Select this to have scandisk run
once per week, on the specified
Use the time fields (hour, minute,
am/pm) to specify when the scan-
disk operation should be performed.
Click the Save button to save the
settings on this screen. This has no
effect on any operations in progress.
Click the Cancel button to restore
the settings on the screen to their
previous values. Clicking Cancel has
no effect on operations in progress.
Click the Disk Log button to view a
log showing the results of the last
Scandisk operation.
For information on all of
the web utility's features, please
refer to the user guide.
For additional information or troubleshooting
help, refer to the User Guide on the CD-ROM
or the Technical Support Insert. You can also
e-mail for further support.
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Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.