Administration - LAN
The Users screen allows you to man-
age all Network Storage Link users.
Users can be members of any user
Existing Users
The user list shows all existing users.
The details of the selected user are
displayed under Properties, at the
lower half of this screen. Select a
user, then select from the following
Click the Groups button to open the
User Membership screen, which
allows you to view and/or modify the
Group that the selected user is in.
Click the Delete button to delete the
selected user. When deleting a user,
you have the option of deleting the
Group and Share with the same
name as the user (if they exist).
This area of the screen allows you to
change the properties for the user
selected in the list above.
Name. The user's name must be
composed of alphanumeric sym-
bols not exceeding 15 characters
Comment. Any comment about the
user must be composed of alpha-
numeric symbols not exceeding 15
characters long.
Password. The password must be
composed of alphanumeric sym-
bols not exceeding 15 characters
Administration - Users
formatted as FAT32 or NTFS,
then you will not be able to
use the Users, Groups, or
Backup features of the
Network Storage Link. These
features will only work with
EXT3-formatted drives.
If your USB drive is