Armoire de commande pour motorèducteurs en 24v (19 pages)
Sommaire des Matières pour CAME UNIPARK
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Automatismos para aparcamientos individuales CANCELLI AUTOMATICI IMPIANTO TIPO STANDARD INSTALLATION INSTALLATION TYPE STANDARDANLAGE INSTALACIÓN ESTÁNDAR 1 - Gruppo UNIPARK 2 - Quadro comando 3 - Antenna 1 - UNIPARK unit 2 - Control panel 3 - Antenna 1 - Groupe UNIPARK...
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Avvertimento (es. targa cancello). stato espressamente concepito. Ogni altro uso è da conside- Istruzioni e raccomandazioni rarsi quindi pericoloso. La CAME cancelli automatici s.p.a. non particolari per gli utenti è responsabile per eventuali danni causati da usi impropri, er- • Tenete libere da ingombri e pulite le aree di manovra del can- ronei ed irragionevoli •...
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Warning Sings (e.g. gate plate). (i.e. that for which it was expressly built for). Any other use is Special instructions and to be considered dangerous. Came Cancelli Automatici S.p.A. advice for users is not liable for any damage resulting from improper, wrongful •...
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Symboles d’Avertissement (Ex. plaque du portail). lequel il a été spécifi quement conçu. Tout autre usage sera Instructions et recommandations donc considéré comme dangereux. La société CAME Cancelli particulières pour les utilisateurs Automatici S.p.A. ne peut être considérée comme responsable •...
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Weise funktionieren • Wenn nötig verwenden. Anderweitige Verwendung des Geräts ist demzu- Warnhinweise (z. B. Torwarnschild) gut sichtbar anbringen. folge gefährlich. Die CAME Cancelli Automatici S.p.A. haftet Anweisungen und Empfehlungen nicht für durch ungeeignete, unsachgemäße und fehlerhaf- für den Verwender...
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Símbolos de Advertencias cual ha sido expresamente fabricado. Cualquier uso diferente, (ej. placa cancela). se debe considerar impropio y por lo tanto peligroso. CAME Instrucciones y recomendaciones particulares cancelli automatici s.p.a. no se hace responsable por eventuales para los usuarios daños causados debido a una utilización inadecuada, errónea o...
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Performance: the performance indicated in the specifications is guaranteed only if the unit has been correctly installed according to our instructions. Versions: UNIP irreversible gearmotor 24V, ARK1 small barrier, ARK2 large barrier; Accessories: Control panel ZL22. LM 22 Circuit board used to power a supplementary gearmotor from the same control panel (max. 4 UNIPARK units) Control and safety accessories: we recommend the installation of CAME control and safety equipment and the relative accessories to facilitate installation.
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Bohrungen verankern. - Usando la base (C) como plantilla, preparar en la plancha los 4 taladros de anclaje y fijar provisionalmente UNIPARK a los 2 taladros de delante con 2 tacos (D) y los tornillos (E) (Ø máx 8 mm).
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- Volver a poner la tapa y colocar el soporte (L). Bloquear la varilla con los dos tornillos (G). Volver a fijar el soporte a la base con los tornillos correspondientes. Terminar el anclaje de UNIPARK en los taladros posteriores con los 2 tacos (D) y los tornillos (E).