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  • FRANÇAIS, page 13

Liens rapides

Read and understand these instructions before operating this tool.
Everyone using, maintaining, changing accessories or working near this tool must read, understand and
Riveters can cause fl ying particles.
Proper eye protection must be worn at all times by tool user and bystanders.
Flying particles can cause eye injury.
Riveters generate noise.
Ear protection must be worn when tool noise level exceeds 85dBA. We also recommend that ear protection
be worn when the tool noise level is below 85dBA. See the tool's information sheet for the noise level.
Prolonged exposure to noise can cause hearing loss.
Riveters vibrate.
Excessive vibration can cause injury. If numbness, tingling, pain or whitening of the skin occurs, stop using
tool and consult a physician. See the tool's information sheet for the vibration level.
Prolonged exposure to vibration can cause injury.
This tool is not insulated for contact with electric power sources.
Do not use near live electric circuits.
Electric shock can cause injury.
This tool is not intended for use in an explosive atmosphere.
Do not use this tool in a fl ammable or explosive atmosphere.
Explosions and fi re can cause injury.
Poorly maintained and lubricated tools can fail unexpectedly.
Keep tool properly lubricated and in good repair at all times. Use only Sioux Air Motor Oil No. 288. See the
tool's information sheet to fi nd out what other greases and oils to use. Do not drop the end of the hose
on the fl oor where it will pick up dirt and transport it into the tool. See information sheet for any additional
maintenance requirements.
Unexpected tool failures can cause injury.
Tools not operated at proper air pressure can operate erratically.
Do not exceed a maximum air pressure of 90 psig/6.2 bar. Use an air regulator to maintain proper air
Erratic operation in power tools can cause injury.
Air hoses can come loose from power tools and whip.
Inspect and do not use tools with loose or damaged air hoses or fi ttings.
Whipping air hoses can cause injury.
When disposing of a tool, do it in a way that does not harm personnel or the environment.
Tools left connected to the air supply while making adjustments, changing accessories, or doing any maintenance or
service on tool can start unexpectedly.
Always remove tool from air supply and activate trigger to bleed air line before making any adjustments,
changing accessories, or doing any maintenance or service on tool.
Tools starting unexpectedly can cause injury.
When used improperly power tools can create hazardous situations.
follow these Safety Instructions!
Improperly used power tools can cause injury or death.
Form ZCE716
Date 2008May5/D
Page 1 of 26
Printed In U.S.A.



Sommaire des Matières pour SIOUX SZEA3000 Serie

  • Page 1 Poorly maintained and lubricated tools can fail unexpectedly. Keep tool properly lubricated and in good repair at all times. Use only Sioux Air Motor Oil No. 288. See the tool’s information sheet to fi nd out what other greases and oils to use. Do not drop the end of the hose on the fl...
  • Page 2 *per ISO 8662 DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY We, Sioux Tools Inc., 250 Snap-on Drive, P.O. Box 1596, Murphy, NC, 28906, USA, declare under our sole responsibility that the products SZEA3000, SZEA5000, SZEA6000, SZEA7000 & SZEA7000HP Series to which this declaration relates are in conformity with the following standard or standards or other normative document or documents: EN 792, EN 292 Parts 1&2, ISO 8662, Pneurop PN8NTC1...
  • Page 3 SZEA3000/SZEA6000 Series Compression Riveter – “C” Yoke Style C-YOKE NOMENCLATURE A Reach B Gap C Height from yoke hole center to top of yoke gap D Bottom set hole diameter CR-1 or CR-2 E Top set hole diameter CR-1 or CR-2 F Width of yoke set hole center to end of yoke G Thickness of yoke H Height of yoke from bolt hole center to top of yoke...
  • Page 4 Schmieren Sie das Werkzeug regelmäßig und reparieren Sie es, wenn notwendig. Benutzen Sie ausschließlich Sioux Motoröl Nr. 288. Auf dem Informationsblatt für das Werkzeug fi nden Sie weitere Informationen über zu verwendende Schmiermittel und Öle. Lassen Sie das Ende des Schlauchs nicht auf den Boden fallen, da er dort Schmutz aufnimmt und in das Werkzeug einbringt.
  • Page 5 *per ISO 8662 KONFORMITÄTSERKLÄRUNG Wir, Sioux Tools, Inc., 250 Snap-on Drive, P.O. Box 1596, Murphy, NC, 28906, USA, erklären hiermit alleinverantwortlich, daß die Produkte SZEA3000, SZEA5000, SZEA6000, SZEA7000 & SZEA7000HP Series auf die sich diese Erklärung bezieht, mit den Anforderungen der folgenden Standards oder Normen oder Dokumenten übereinstimmen: EN 792, EN 292 Teile 1&2, ISO 8662, Pneurop PN8NTC1...
  • Page 6 Kompressionsnietmaschinen SZEA3000/SZEA6000 Serie – “C”-Yoke-Ausführung C-YOKE-DATENBLATT A Weite B Öffnungshöhe C Höhe von der Maullochmitte bis zur oberen Kante der Maulöffnung D Durchmesser des unteren Nietlochs, CR-1 bzw. CR-2 E Durchmesser des oberen Nietlochs, CR-1 bzw. CR-2 F Breite von der Maulnietlochmitte zum Maulende G Dicke des Mauls H Höhe des Mauls von der Lochmitte zum oberen Maulende Radius von der Nietlochmitte...
  • Page 7 Siempre mantenga la herramienta lubricada correctamente y en buen estado. Utilice solamente aceite para motores neumáticos de Sioux No. 288. Ver la hoja de información de la herramienta para saber tener información sobre otros aceites o grasas que puede utilizar. No deje caer el extremo de la manguera en el suelo donde puede ensuciarse y transportar la suciedad a la herramienta.
  • Page 8 *según PN8NTC1 *según ISO 8662 DECLARACION DE CONFORMIDAD Nosotros, Sioux Tools, Inc., 250 Snap-on Drive, P.O. Box 1596, Murphy, NC, 28906, USA, declaramos bajo nuestra única responsabilidad que los productos SZEA3000, SZEA5000, SZEA6000, SZEA7000 & SZEA7000HP Series con los cuales se relaciona esta declaración están en conformidad con las siguiente(s) norma(s) u otro(s) documento(s) normativo(s): EN 792, EN 292 Partes 1&2, ISO 8662, Pneurop PN8NTC1...
  • Page 9 Remachadoras neumáticas por compresión Serie SZEA3000/SZEA6000 – con mordazas en “C” NOMENCLATURA PARA REMACHADORA CON MORDAZAS EN “C” A Alcance B Espacio entre mandíbulas C Altura medida desde el eje geométrico del perno hasta el tope del espacio entre mandíbulas D Diámetro del agujero de fi...
  • Page 10 Mantenere sempre lo strumento adeguatamente lubrifi cato ed in buono stato. Utilizzare solo olio motore Sioux Air n. 288. Consultare il foglio informativo dell’utensile per determinare quali altri grassi ed oli utilizzare. Non lasciar cadere l’estremità del tubo sul pavimento, in quanto raccoglierebbe lo sporco e lo trasporterebbe all’interno dello strumento.
  • Page 11 *secondo ISO 8662 CERTIFICAZIONE DI CONFORMITA La Sioux Tools, Inc, con sede al 250 Snap-on Drive, P.O. Box 1596, Murphy, NC, 28906, USA, solennemente dichiara sotto la propria e sola responsabilità che i prodotti SZEA3000, SZEA5000, SZEA6000, SZEA7000 & SZEA7000HP Series sono conformi alle seguenti normative, standard o certifi...
  • Page 12 Chiodatrice a compressione Serie SZEA3000/SZEA6000 – Modello con Morsetto “C” C-NOMENCLATURA DEL MORSETTO A Portata B Spazio libero C Altezza dal centro del foro del morsetto alla parte superiore dello spazio libero del morsetto D Diametro del foro del set inferiore CR-1 o CR-2 E E Diametro del foro del set superiore CR-1 o CR-2 F Larghezza dal centro del foro del set del morsetto alla fi...
  • Page 13 Vous assurer de lubrifi er l’outil comme il se doit et le maintenir en bon état de fonctionnement. Utiliser seulement l’huile de moteur pneumatique Sioux Air Motor Oil No. 288. Consulter la fi che technique de l’outil pour connaître les autres huiles et lubrifi ants recommandés. Ne pas laisser traîner l’extrémité du tuyau par terre car il risque de ramasser et introduire de la saleté...
  • Page 14 ISO 8662 DÉCLARATION DE CONFORMITÉ La société Sioux Tools, Inc., située à : 250 Snap-on Drive, P.O. Box 1596, Murphy, NC, 28906, USA, affi rme que les produits SZEA3000, SZEA5000, SZEA6000, SZEA7000 & SZEA7000HP Series dont cette fi che fait l’objet, sont conformes aux normes, documents normatifs et autres références :...
  • Page 15 Riveteuses pneumatiques des gammes SZEA3000/SZEA6000 – De type : Étrier en C NOMENCLATURE POUR ÉTRIER EN CÉ A Portée B Ouverture C Distance entre le centre du trou de l’étrier et la partie supérieure de l’ouverture de l’étrier D Diamètre du trou inférieur CR-1 ou CR-2 E Diamètre du trou supérieur CR-1 ou CR-2 F Distance entre le centre du trou de l’étrier et l’extrémité...
  • Page 16 Slecht onderhouden en slecht geölied gereedschap kan leiden tot plotselinge storingen. Zorg steeds dat de boor goed geölied en in goede conditie is. Gebruik alleen Sioux Air Motor Oil No. 288. Zie specifi caties over het gebruik van andere oliën en vetten. Laat het uiteinde van de buis niet op de grond vallen, zodat stof en verontreinigende deeltjes de boor niet kunnen bereiken.
  • Page 17 *conform PN8NTC1 *conform ISO 8662 CONFORMITEITSVERKLARING Ondergetekende, Sioux Tools, Inc., 250 Snap-on Drive, P.O. Box 1596, Murphy, NC, 28906, USA, verklaart met inachtneming van de eigen aansprakelijkheid desbetreffend, dat de produkten SZEA3000, SZEA5000, SZEA6000, SZEA7000 & SZEA7000HP Series waarop deze verklaring van toepassing is, conform zijn met de hierna genoemde norm, normen en/of andere regels en voorschriften:...
  • Page 18 SZEA3000/SZEA6000 serie drukklinkmachine – “C” koppel NOMENCLATUUR VAN C-KOPPEL A Bereik B Bekdiepte C Hoogte van midden koppelopening tot bovenkant koppelopening D Diameter opening onderste set CR-1 of CR-2 E Diameter opening bovenste set CR-1 of CR-2 F Breedte van midden opening koppelset tot eind van koppel G Dikte van koppel H Hoogte van koppel vanaf midden boutopening tot bovenkant koppel Straal vanaf midden setopening...
  • Page 19 Illa skötta och dåligt smorda verktyg kan oförutsett sluta att fungera. Håll alltid verktyget väl smort och i god funktion. Använd enbart Sioux Air Motor Oil Nr. 288. Uppgifter om andra smörjämnen och oljor som ska användas fi nns i informationsbladet för verktyget. Släpp inte ned änden på...
  • Page 20 *enligt ISO 8662 FÖRSÄKRAN OM ÖVERENSSTÄMMELSE Vi, Sioux Tools, Inc., 250 Snap-on Drive, P.O. Box 1596, Murphy, NC, 28906, USA, förklarar under eget ansvar att produkterna SZEA3000, SZEA5000, SZEA6000, SZEA7000 & SZEA7000HP Series som denna försäkran gäller uppfyller följande standard eller standarder eller andra normgivande dokument:...
  • Page 21 Kompressionsnitmaskiner modell SZEA3000/SZEA6000 med C-gaffel TERMINOLOGI FÖR C-GAFFEL A Vidd B Öppning C Höjd från gaffelhålens mittpunkt till gaffelöppningens överkant D Undre sethålets diameter CR-1 eller CR-2 E Övre sethålets diameter CR-1 eller CR-2 F Avståndet från mittpunkten i gaffelns sethål till gaffelns bakre ände G Gaffelns tjocklek H Gaffelns höjd från skruvhålets mittpunkt till gaffelns överkant Radie räknat från sethålets mittpunkt...
  • Page 22 PARTS LIST FOR SZEA3000 AND SZEA6000 SERIES COMPRESSION RIVETER – “C” YOKE STYLE SERIAL “A” C’ YOKE DIMENSIONS PART NO. E1090 1 1/2” 1 1/4” 3/8” 3/16” 1 7/8” 3 3/8” 2 7/8” 9/16” 7/32” E1122 1 1/2” 1 1/4” 7/16” 1/4”...
  • Page 23 PARTS LIST FOR SZEA3000 AND SZEA6000 SERIES COMPRESSION RIVETER – “C” YOKE STYLE SERIAL “A” Fig. Part Fig. Part Description Description SZE1091 Outer Bearing Roller SZEA1066 Cylinder Head Complete SZE1092 Needle Roller Bearing (32)* (Includes Figs. 2, 5, 9, 13-16) SZE1093 Inner Roller Bearing SZEA1032 Throttle Valve Ass’y (Includes Figs.
  • Page 25 PARTS LIST FOR SZEA5000 AND SZEA7000 SERIES COMPRESSION RIVETER – ALLIGATOR JAW STYLE SERIAL “A” Fig. Part Fig. Part Description Description SZEA1066 Cylinder Head Complete SZEA1114HP Moving Jaw Roller Ass’y (SZEA7000HP Series only) (Includes Figs. 2, 5, 9, 13-16) (Includes Figs. 55-58) SZEA1032 Throttle Valve Ass’y (Includes Figs.
  • Page 26 WARNING Some dust created by power sanding, sawing, grinding, drilling, and other construction activities contains chemicals known to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm. WARNUNG Der durch Elektrosanden, -sägen, -schleifen und -bohren sowie durch andere Bauarbeiten anfallende Staub enthält Chemikalien, die nachweislich Krebs sowie Geburts- bzw.
  • Page 27 This pdf incorporates the following model numbers: SZEA3000, SZEA3015, SZEA30152, SZEA5000, SZEA5015, SZEA50152, SZEA5022, SZEA50222, SZEA5030, SZEA50302, SZEA6000, SZEA6015, SZEA60152, SZEA7000, SZEA7015, SZEA70152, SZEA7022, SZEA70222, SZEA7030, SZEA70302, SZEA7030HP...

Ce manuel est également adapté pour:

Szea6000 serieSzea5000 serieSzea7000 serie