3. Wrap a 3" (7.6 cm)
long piece of PTFE tape
to the right (clockwise)
around the 3/8" MNTP
threads of the fittings.
Wrap tightly so that
it conforms to the
threads of the fitting
and overlaps about
1/2". (Figure 3) Do
not wrap 3/8" or 1/2"
compression threads
with tape.
4. Screw one fitting
into the filter outlet
and the other fitting
into the filter inlet
(both are labeled on
filter head assembly.)
Tighten both fittings
with a wrench. Do
not overtighten.
Overtightening may
result in a cartridge
crack which may
lead to fluid leaking
(Figure 4)
5. Remove the two
screws at top of head
assembly. Position
either inlet fitting or
outlet fitting through
large hole in bracket
and replace these two
screws. Filter head
is now mounted and
ready for plumbing.
(Figure 5)
6. Measure down from
filter inlet fitting about
1" (3 cm) and mark
existing cold water
tubing. From this
mark, measure up
8" (20 cm) and mark
tubing. This is the
section of tubing to
be removed. If neces-
sary, because of tight
situations, additional
tubing may be cut
away. (Figure 6)
Figure 3
Compression Fittings
Figure 4
Figure 5
Cold Water Line
Figure 6
7. Turn off cold water
supply valve and open
cold water tap to
relieve system pres-
sure. Cut cold water
tubing using a tube
cutter or razor knife.
Do not use a hacksaw,
etc. Place a pan under
it to catch any water
present. (Figure 7)
8. Two compression
fittings are required
for tube ends. Check
tube size. Use 3/8"
x 3/8", 1/2" x 3/8",
or 5/8" x 3/8" com-
pression fittings as
required. Slip nut
and ferrule on water
tubing as shown
and fasten fittings in
place. (Figure 8)
9. Cut two lengths of
3/8" soft copper
tubing and bend to
shape as shown.
Bend tubing to form
gentle curves rather
than sharp bends.
To existing faucet
(cold water side only)
(Figure 9)
10. Connect both pieces
of tubing to filter and
water tube as shown
with compression
fittings. Do not over-
tighten nuts.
(Figure 10)
11. Open the cold water
faucet to expel
trapped air. Open
the supply valve to
allow water to enter
the filter. If any leaks
Do not crimp copper tubing.
occur, close the sup-
ply valve and open
the faucet to relieve
the pressure, then
gently tighten the
fitting that is leak-
ing. Flush at least 2
gallons through filter
before use (approxi-
mately 1 minute of
flushing). Water may
run cloudy due to air
but will clear quickly.
Figure 7
Compression Fitting
Compression Fitting
Figure 8
Figure 9
Figure 10