Model 66035 service jack is a self-contained device designed for
lifting, but not sustaining, a partial vehicular load. It consists of a frame
with wheels and swivel casters supporting a mechanism that actuates a
pivoting lift arm equipped with a saddle. It is designed for use by
professional auto mechanics.
The breather located below hole in cross plate must be opened. Insert
slotted screw driver through hole and turn breather screw counter clockwise
until it stops turning. Do not force screw past stopping point.
Air may become trapped in the hydraulic system during transit.
To purge air:
1. Open release valve by turning handle counterclockwise.
2. Pump handle rapidly 4 full strokes. This will expel air that may have
entered hydraulic fluid passages during transit.
3. Close release valve by rotating handle clockwise and pump handle.
4. If lift arm raises to full height, jack is ready for use. If not,
repeat this procedure or follow trouble shooting instructions
• Heavy gauge flanged steel frame
• Heavy duty black steel swivel
casters and 2-1/4" wide-track
front wheels
• Round cast steel saddle with
1" thick rubber pad
• Dual piston power unit for
rapid lifting
• Dual return spring
• Safety overload system prevents
use beyond rated capacity
Capacity: ...........................3.5 Tons
Low Height: ............................... 4"
Raised Height: .................... 19.25"
Length: .................................... 28"
Chassis Width: .................. 14-1/2"
Handle Length: .................. 50-1/2"
(2 piece)
Saddle Diameter
(with pad): ............................ 4.75"
Shipping Weight: ................115 lbs
This is a LifTing Device OnLY. DO nOT MOve Or
DOLLY The vehicLe WhiLe On The Jack. iMMeDiaTeLY
afTer LifTing, sUPPOrT The vehicLe WiTh aPPrOPriaTe
DO nOT OverLOaD. OverLOaDing can caUse DaMage
TO Or faiLUre Of The Jack.
LifT OnLY On areas Of The vehicLe as sPecifieD bY The
vehicLe ManUfacTUrer.
cenTer LOaD On saDDLe PriOr TO LifTing. Off-cenTer
LOaDs MaY caUse DaMage TO Jack, LOss Of LOaD,
PrOPerTY DaMage, PersOnaL Or faTaL inJUrY.
This Jack is DesigneD fOr Use OnLY On harD LeveL
sUrfaces caPabLe Of sUsTaining The LOaD. Use On
OTher Than harD LeveL sUrfaces can resULT in Jack
insTabiLiTY anD POssibLe LOss Of LOaD.
nO aLTeraTiOns TO The Jack shaLL be MaDe.
reaD, sTUDY anD UnDersTanD The OPeraTing ManUaL
PackeD WiTh This Jack befOre OPeraTing.
faiLUre TO heeD These Warnings MaY resULT in LOss
Of LOaD, DaMage TO Jack, anD/Or faiLUre resULTing
in PrOPerTY DaMage, PersOnaL Or faTaL inJUrY.
MODEL 66035
Ton Capacity
Service Jack
Use Service Jack
for lifting purposes
Always support
vehicle with
jack stands.
rev. 2/0/05