Place on, the order could be something like 0, 4,
Random Place
4, -4, 0, 4,0, -4.
Random Scatter + Place combines the above two
random functions. The landing spots for every
Ball are enlarged and Placements are random-
Best practices: Do not program landing spots
that are close to the side line, end line, or table
net when using Random Scatter. If you do, many
balls are likely to be shot off the side or end of the
table or into the net because of the increased area
Random SCATTER + Place
of the landing spots with Random Scatter. When
using Random Place, if you want throws delivered
to one spot more often than other spots, program
more Balls with the desired placement. E.g., if an
Exercise has 4 Balls with one of them using Place-
ment 5 and three using Placement 0, then there
is a 1 in 4 chance a Ball will be delivered to 5, but
a 3 in 4 chance a Ball will be delivered to 0. Lastly,
while Random Place must have at least 2 Balls in
the Exercise, Random Scatter can be used with
single ball Exercises.
AFC Function (Automatic Frequency Control)
If you press and hold down both Ball/Min Buttons
at the same time for a couple of seconds, you
activate the AFC (Automatic Frequency Control)
function. AFC will be shown on the display. AFC is
useful when you have changes in speed within an
Exercise. For example, when you start with a slow,
short backspin serve followed by a fast topspin
shot. Or you have several fast topspins followed
by a slow, high pop-up. AFC can sense this change
in speeds and automatically adjust the frequency
so the timing between shots is more similar to the
timing of those shots in a real game. Turn on AFC whenever you feel you don't have enough time, or too
much time, for one or two shots within an Exercise, but the rest of the shots seem OK. Deactivate AFC
by once again pressing, and holding down for 2 seconds, both Ball/Min Buttons at the same time (AFC
will disappear from the display).
Memory Mode
The Memory Controls (buttons 18–21) are used to save Exercises into memory, clear Exercises from
memory, and select Memory Positions of saved Exercises. After designing an Exercise, you will want
to save it in memory because as soon as you turn off power, your Exercise will be deleted unless it is
saved. Also with 99 Memory Positions, you can design, and save, lots of different Exercises for different