Repair work
Repair work may only be carried out by competent specialist workshops or our AL-KO Service
If repairs are necessary, an extensive network of AL-KO Service Centres is available for our custo-
mers across Europe.
Contact us directly to request a list of AL-KO Service Centres. Order number: 371912.
Spare parts are safety parts!
For installation of spare parts in our products, we exclusively recommend original AL-KO parts or
parts expressly approved by us for installation.
In order to clearly identify spare parts, our service centres require the spare part identification number
Load is not held
Load pressure brake
opens or does not close
Sluggish lowering with
or without load
In the case of faults that are not listed in this table, or faults that you cannot rectify without
assistance, please contact our customer service department.
Rope/strap is wound incorrectly
Incorrect direction of rotation du-
ring lifting
Brake worn or defective
Brake disc mechanism or brake
discs distorted
Crank handle thread is stiff
Fit rope/strap correctly.
Check brake components and re-
place worn parts.
Winch must be without a load! Re-
lease the brake by hitting the crank
handle gently with a hand in the di-
rection "Lower".
If necessary, block the gears un-
til the crank handle is loosened.
Grease the crank handle thread.
Grease the crank handle thread.
450 A | 900 A Compact