01 01 52xxN
4. Assembling the babybed
Step 1 : Use parts A, B and the 8 large bolts (E)
Place the 8 large bolts (E) in the provided openings on the upperside and the bottom of
the legstructures (A). Insert the sides (B) with the holes on the bars faced inwards the
box, between the legstructures and pull the bolts one by one backwards and push them
back into the openings of the sides. The sides are now hanging free between the legs.
Step 2 : Use the 8 cylindrical dowels M6 (F) and the parts of step1
Insert one by one the cylindrical dowels (F) in the provided openings of the sides (B). Pay
attention that the opening in the dowel faces the bolt. Tighten slightly with the hexagonal
key (H). Repeat this action for the remaining 7 bolts.
Step 3 : Use the parts of step 2, the bottom J, 4 crochet hooks (D), 4 spacers (G), 4 short
bolts (C) and the 4 nuts M6
Place the crochet hooks (D) in the provided openings on the legs (A). Pay attention that
the four of these are on the same height of one of the possible positions for the base.
Insert the base (J) into the bed and let it rest on the crochet hooks. Push a short bolt (C)
through an opening of the base and the underlying crochet hook, place one spacer (G),
a nut (K) and thighten slightly. Repeat for the remaining three bolts. Finally tighten.
Always fasten the bottom on the hooks with the bolts (C) in order to comply with
the European legislation.
Step 4 : FInally fasten all large bolts fi rmly (E - step 1)
Step 5 : Changing the position of the base
Redo all actions of step 3 in reversed order. Replace the crochet hooks on a different
level and repeat step 3.
Kinderbed met verstelbare bodem
Kinderbett mit verstelbarer Boden
Lit enfant avec fond réglable
Babybed with adjustable bottom
First dreams
First dreams
First steps
First steps