2. The Line and Neutral Terminals of the NeMA5-15r AC outlets are isolated from its
Grounding Terminal. Thus, the metal chassis of the AC loads and the metal chassis of
the inverter will also be isolated from the Line and Neutral. The Grounding Terminal
of the AC outlet is connected to the input section of the electronic Ground fault Pro-
tection Circuit on the Power Circuit board. Due to the above implementation, the volt-
age on the Neutral and Line Terminals of the AC outlet with respect to the chassis of
the inverter / chassis of the AC loads will be pulsing DC voltage with average DC value
of up to 50V (will read 75 VAC on AC scale of the Voltmeter because of pulsing nature
of DC voltage). Do not toucH tHe neutraL terminaL / neutraL conDuctorS!
3. Do not connect to AC distribution wiring where the Neutral is bonded to Ground. The
inverter will see this as abnormal condition of Ground fault and will shut down.
connecting ac Loads
Connect the AC loads to the NeMA5-5r outlet(s) (2, fig 3.1, 3,2, 3.3)
Do not connect to ac distribution wiring where the neutral is bonded to Ground. the
inverter will see this as abnormal condition of Ground fault and will shut down.