2. Scan Wizard: Click Scan
a. The Scan Wizard will open.
b. Select Single-sided or Double-sided.
c. Select the language of the business
card. If the card is double-sided,
select the languages for both sides.
d. Insert the business card into your
WorldCard Scanner.
e. In the Scanner Panel frame select:
- Auto Scanning if you want the scanner to automatically scan when the business card
is inserted.
- Auto recognition after scanning if you want the card information to be automatically
recognized and added to your file.
- Editing business card after scanning to edit and verify the recognized information
after scanning.
Click Scan to scan the business card. If the business card is double-sided, flip the card
to the other side.
f. Select Close to check the scanned business card information.
from the toolbar.
WorldCard Quick Guide -