Noxon NOVA S Mode D'emploi page 10

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The first page shows some information for the user. To continue swipe right-to-left.
Then, the app displays an animation of the device in its initial state (Access Point
mode). The LED should be blinking slowly ~1/sec. Swipe to continue.
It will show the available NOXON NOVA Speaker (headless devices) in Access Point
mode found by the phone. If your device is not present then press "Rescan". Swipe to
next page should be disabled if the phone is not connected to any NOXON NOVA S
Speaker. NOXON app will show only "Suggested Devices".
Tap on the desired Speaker to connect to it. A progress circle should appear on the
right side. After the connection is complete it should skip to the next page automatically.
If the phone was already connected to the NOXON NOVA Speaker, then the list item
should display a checked symbol at the right side. Swipe to next page should be enab-
led. To connect to a different Device, tap on another list item.
The fourth page is for changing the Device's friendly name. The edit box will be filled
with the current friendly name. Swipe to skip to next page.
The fifth page shows the network configuration for the NOXON NOVA S. The default
screen will show "Europe" as the pre-selected region and it will start scanning for
available WiFi networks.
After the scan is complete, a list of wifi networks is shown. Tap on a list item to select
the network. Swipe to next page is disabled. A dialog is shown and the user should
enter the wifi passcode. If Ok is selected then it skips automatically to the next page.
This page will show a progress bar and a description text while the configuration is
being sent to the device. Then it displays information about the state of the setup.
Pressing Set up new speaker will show the first page of the setup and Exit will close the
In a later version of the APP, the configuration might be probably different!


Table des Matières

Produits Connexes pour Noxon NOVA S

Table des Matières