LD3 – Opening limit switch led (yellow)
It signals the opening limit switch state. The led goes off when the gate has completely opened.
LD4 – Closing limit switch led (yellow)
It signals the closing limit switch state. The led goes off when the gate has completely closed.
LD1 – Programming led (red)
It is lit (together with the blinker) in the programming phase and during the gate's motion.
7) Definitions of Trimmers
RV1 – Slow-down speed and power regulator
2 Functions: It defines the gate's speed during the slow-down phase and it regulates the power supplied to the motor during the normal speed phase.
Clockwise rotation increases thrust or speed.
8) Definitions of Dip Switches (Selection logic of operation)
Dip switch 1
It enables the logic of operation "condominium".
ON= Condominium
OFF=Automatic or Step by Step (it depends on the position of Dip switch 2)
Dip switch 2
It enables the logic of operation "step-by-step" or "automatic".
ON =Automatic
OFF=Step by step
Dip switch 3
It disables the slow-down during the opening phase (during the closure phase the slow-down is always active).
ON=opening slow-down disabled
Dip switch 4
It enables the closing start control or the pedestrian start control (input 13 of J4 terminal board)
ON=Pedestrian start enabled
Dip switch 5 : NOT USED
9) Definitions of Programming Keys
P1 - Allows to insert/cancel the radio-command codes in the memory.
P2 - Allows to set the motor's work time.
P3 - Allows to set the pause time.
10) Definitions of Protection Fuses
F1 – Mains power fuse (5A)
It disconnects the electronic unit from the power supply mains in case of short-circuit or electric current consumption anomalies.
F2 – Low voltage fuse (1A)
It protects the electronic unit in case of short circuits or over-currents on photo-cells or other accessory devices connected to the 24 Vac power supply.
OFF=opening slow-down enabled
OFF=Closing start enabled
Dip Switch
logic of
Step by step