Manual Registration - Hama 00040617 Mode D'emploi

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Manual registration

The repeater registration procedure varies depen-
ding on the base station installed.
The base station, a mobile unit (handset) and the
repeater must be accessible before registration can
be performed.
If you are connecting more than one repeater, regi-
stration must be performed separately for each
The base station and a mobile unit are ready for
operation, the repeater is not yet connected to the
main supply.
The following procedure is also shown as a quick-
guide on the back of this user manual.
1. Set the repeater in registration mode
Insert the repeaters power plug for 1-5 seconds in
the socket and then remove it. Insert it once more
and leave it there. The LED on the repeater flashes
slowly after the start. You now have five minutes to
carry out the registration.
If the procedure is not carried out within this period
you must start over again.
2. Set the base station in registration mode
On most base stations, the procedure is started by
holding down the „Registration" or „Page" key for
several seconds. Consult your base station user
guide for more information.
3. The LED on the front of the repeater flashes
If the LED flashes very quickly without interruptions
go to step 5. If the LED flashes very quickly with
brief interruptions go to step 4.
4. Registration of the handset
If the base code have been changed, it must be set
to „0000". You must repeat the registration procedu-
re even if the mobile unit used was already registra-
ted at the base station, (consult your base station
user guide for more information). Now the LED flas-
hes very quickly without interruptions.
5. Assign a repeater number
You must now assign a repeater number to the
repeater (selection: 2-7, for up to 6 repeaters). Plea-
se note that each number only can be assigned
once, when using more than one repeater. These
numbers are independent of the mobile unit extensi-
on numbers.
Hook off by pressing the
hing). Press a number between 2 and 7.
When the repeater has accepted the chosen num-
ber, the LED will flash a corresponding number of
times. Accept the registration by pressing the *-key
and then the
key (hook on).
The repeater is now automatically restarted.
The LED goes off for 2 seconds, flashes for a brief
moment and the remains continuously illuminated.
The registration of the repeater is completed. You
can now disconnect the power and move the
repeater to the selected location (disconnecting the
power will not delete the registration.)
To get the best operation conditions fort he repea-
ter, it is important to place it correctly.
Here are a few tips for placing repeaters.
Choose a raised position with good base station
When positioning you should avoid obstacles that
can interfere with a radio transmission, such as
thick walls, radiators etc.
You should avoid interference from other electrical
appliances, such as micro-wave ovens, hi-fi equip-
ment, computers etc. close to an electric socket.
A distance of minimum 10 meter should be observed
when installing two repeaters in an overlapping
reception range.
key (the LED stops flas-


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