5. Technical Specifications:
Fore detailed technical specifications for this product, please go to our website
www.genevalab.com and select support page, where you can download the detailed
technical specifications for any of our products.
© 2010 G-Lab GmbH. All rights reserved
Under the copyright laws, this manual may not be copied, in whole or in part,
without the written consent G-Lab GmbH.
Geneva® is a registered trademark of G-Lab GmbH.
D2Audio and D2A are registered trademarks, while the D2Audio Digital Amplifier logo
is a trademark of D2Audio Corporation.
iPod is a trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. registered in the U.S. and other countries.
The trademark EmbracingSound™ and the Embracing Sound Experience logo are
owned by Embracing Sound Experience AB.
Geneva Sound System, User Manual, Version v5.0-EU-E