Owner'S Manual |
6. GRoUnDinG
The components in stand-alone systems do not have to be grounded – this is not stand-
ard practice or may be prohibited by national regulations (e.g.: DIN 57100 Part 410:
Prohibition of grounding protective low voltage circuits). If grounding is carried out,
ground oNlY the Negative battery Terminal.
7. LiGhtninG PRotection
In systems subjected to an increased risk of overvoltage damage, we recommend install-
ing additional lightning protection / overvoltage protection to reduce dropouts. Ask
your dealer for technical assistance.
8. MAintenAnce
The solar charge controller is maintenance-free.
All components of the PV system must be checked at least annually, according to the
specifications of the respective manufacturers. ensure adequate ventilation of the cool-
ing element. Check the cable strain relief. Check that all cable connections are secure.
Tighten screws if necessary. Check corrosion on terminals.
9. FAULtS AnD ReMeDieS
No DISPlAY: Check battery polarity and external fuse, or battery voltage is too low
or battery defective.
bATTerY IS NoT ChArGeD: Check if solar module is connected with correct polarity
or if short circuit at the solar input.
If solar module voltage is lower than battery voltage, or if solar module is defective,
the battery cannot be charged.
bATTerY DISPlAYS jUMP qUICKlY: battery voltage changes quickly. large pulse cur-
rents cause voltage fluctuation. battery is too small or defective. Ask your dealer for
technical assistance.
The following faults do not destroy the controller if they occur singly. After correcting
the fault, the device will continue to operate correctly:
Solar module short circuits
Short circuits at load output
reversed battery polarity*
Device over temperature
reverse solar module polarity*
excessive load current
Solar module over current
over voltage at the load output