2nd Step: COnneCt the SOlar MOdule
ensure that the solar module is protected from incident light (cover it or wait
for night).
ensure that the solar module does not exceed the maximum permissible
input current.
first connect the M+ solar module connection cable to the correct pole of the left
pair of terminals on the solar charge controller (with the solar module symbol),
then connect the M– cable. remove the covering from the solar module.
3rd Step: COnneCt lOadS
first connect the l+ load cable to the correct pole of the right pair of terminals on
the solar charge controller (with the lamp symbol), then connect the l– cable. Insert
the load fuse or switch on the load.
Notes: Connect loads that must not be deactivated by the solar charge controller
deep discharge protection, e.g. emergency lights or radio connection, directly to the
battery. loads with a higher current consumption than the device output can be di-
rectly connected to the battery. however, the solar charge controller deep discharge
protection will no longer intervene. loads connected in this manner must also be
separately fused.
4th Step: FInal wOrk
fasten all cables with strain relief in the direct vicinity of the solar charge controller
(clearance of approx. 10 cm).
INfo leD
battery reD leD
battery YelloW
battery GreeN
flashing slowly: 0,4hz: 4 times in 10 second, flashing quickly: 3hz: 3 times in 1 second
Illuminates GreeN
flashes slowly reD
flashes quickly
flashes slowly
flashes slowly Yel-
flashes quickly
Normal operation.
System fault: too high charging current;
overload/short circuit; overheated.
ToGeTher WITh reD leD: too low bat-
tery voltage.
ToGeTher WITh GreeN leD: too high
battery voltage.
battery empty, low voltage disconnec-
tion pre-warning, loads still oN.
Deep discharge protection active (lVD),
loads disconnected.
battery weak, loads are oN.
lVD reconnection set-point has not yet
been reached, loads still disconnected.
battery good.
battery full, charge regulation active