PV: In the normal mode, it displays current
humidity; in the setting mode, it displays menu
SV: In the normal mode, it displays the
setting humidity value; in the setting mode, it
displays the setting value.
Red Indicator Light: The indicator light will
turn red when the humidification output is on
and the indicator light will turn off when the
humidification output is off.
Green Indicator Light: The indicator light
will turn green when the dehumidification
output is on and the indicator light will turn off
when the humidification output is off. If the
green indicator light blinks, the device is in the
mode of dehumidification delay protection
state and the humidification output is off.
WORK1: Humidification Output Socket.
WORK2: Dehumidification Output Socket.
Setting Button(
), Increase Button(
Decrease Button(
): More details on Settings.
US Sockets
EU Sockets
UK Sockets
AU Sockets