Step Two: Set Up the Access Point
To set up the access point using an operating system other than Windows, see
the configuration section in the User Guide on the USRobotics Installation CD-
If you are using a Windows operating system, you can use the setup program on
the USRobotics Installation CD-ROM to install and run the Network Device
Locator and configure basic settings in one easy, continuous process:
1. Insert the USRobotics Installation CD-ROM in the CD or DVD drive.
If the CD doesn't start automatically, start it manually as follows:
A. Windows Vista: Click Windows Start > Computer.
Windows XP: Click Windows Start > My Computer.
Windows 2000: On the desktop, double-click My Computer.
B. Double-click the CD drive.
2. Follow the on-screen instructions to install the locator.
When the locator is installed, it starts automatically:
3. Click Next.