Pinless Moisture Meters
For single materials, thinner than 5 mm, the sensi vity of the meter is normally
not enough even with the bo om sensor. To obtain a more accurate measuring
result we recommend measurements in a pile without air spaces between the
single parts and with a minimum thickness of 15 mm for the pile.
With material thickness < 50 mm the base material is very important To avoid a
metal base. The best results are achieved if the material to be measured is held
into the air. Polystyrene material with a minimum thickness of 20 (8") cm can
also be used when using the Measuring Springs. It is suffi cient with 2.5 cm (1")
of polystyrene mateial if the internal (bo om) sensor is used.
In case of material with a wet surface a PVC-foil can be used between the
material and measuring springs. For the Internal (bo om sensor) a PVC foil is
not necessary.
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