Delete Permanent or Temporary PIN
Programming Step
1. Enter program mode
2. Delete PIN
3. Exit Program Mode
Reset Master Code
Resetting the Master Code will not remove PINs or temporary PINs from memory. After resetting the Master Code, the keypad
will not operate any previously programmed operators until they are reprogrammed. To reset the Master Code to the factory
default (888888):
1. Unlock and remove the front cover.
2. Press and hold the RESET button on the control board for 6 seconds. A long tone sounds indicating the Master
Code has been reset.
Reset Keypad
Resetting the keypad will erase the Master Code, all permanent PINs and all temporary PINs. All settings will be set to factory
default. After resetting, the keypad will not operate the previously programmed operators until they are reprogrammed. To
reset the keypad:
1. Unlock and remove the front cover.
2. Press and hold RESET button on the control board for 6 seconds until a long tone sounds, then release.
3. Press and hold RESET button on the control board for 15 seconds, 3 long tones will sound indicating the keypad has been
Lockout Mode (Default is ON)
If the keypad receives five consecutive invalid PINs, the keypad will enter lockout mode and will not accept any keypad inputs
for 30 seconds. After 30 seconds, the keypad will begin accepting new inputs.
Programming Step
1. Enter program mode
2. Set Lockout mode to ON
3. Exit Program Mode
Programming Step
1. Enter program mode
2. Set Lockout mode to
3. Exit Program Mode
Keystroke Combination
* (Master Code) #
07 # (4-digit PIN to be deleted) # (4-digit PIN to be
deleted) #
* * #
Keystroke Combination
* (Master Code) #
02 # 1 #
* * #
Keystroke Combination
* (Master Code) #
02 # 0 #
* * #
Long tone
Long tone
Keypad backlight will turn off
Long tone
Long tone
Keypad backlight will turn off
Long tone
Long tone
Keypad backlight will turn off