ELEPHANT A25 Instructions De Montage page 15

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Instructions for the Installation and Operation of Electric Fences and
Electric Fence Energizers
Under certain conditions electric fences may be a fire hazard.
Electric fences shall be so installed and operated that they cause no danger to persons,
animals or surroundings, and that, as far as is reasonably practicable, they are out of
reach of children and not subject to mechanical damage or unauthorised action. As far
as the following requirements are additional to, but not in conflict with, the regulations
issued by the responsible national authorities, they are applicable when installing and
operating electric fences and their energizers.
Electric fences shall not be supplied from more than one electric fence energizer.
Single-wire electric fences may be supplied from only one fence circuit of an electric
fence energizer. Multi-wire electric fences may be supplied from different fence circuits
of the same electric fence energizer, provided only one fence circuit is used to supply a
specific wire.
For any two different electric fences, the distance between the fence wires and the
distance between the connecting leads shall be at least 2 m. If this gap is to be closed,
this shall be effected by means of electrically non-conductive material.
Barbed wire shall not be electrified in an electric fence. Barbed wire shall not be used
in the construction of a single or multi-wire electric fence with the one exception that a
nonelectrified fence incorporating a barbed wire may be used to support one or more
offset electrified wires where these are intended to provide additional protection for
the non-electrified fence (i.a. scare-wires) and/or for distribution purposes (i.e. feedout
wires). The supporting device for the electrified wire(s) shall not be attached to the
barbed wire and shall be so designed as to ensure that these wires are positioned a
minimum distance of 150 mm from the vertical plane of the non-electrified wires. With
the attachment of an electrified wire(s) to a previously nonelectrified fence, safe access
from one side of the fence to the other is made more difficult. Where necessary, safe
access shall be provided.
Any electric fence, or part thereof, installed along a public road or pathway shall be
identified by warning plates securely fastened to posts, or firmly clamped to the fence
wire, at frequent intervals. The size of the warning plates shall be at least 200 mm
x 100 mm. The basic colour of both sides of the warning plates shall be yellow. The
inscription on the plate shall be black and shall take the form of either the symbol of
Figure E1 or the substance of the following warning "TAKE CARE – ELECTRIC FENCE".
The inscription shall be indelible and any lettering shall have a height of at least 25
If it is necessary to cross a public highway with a fence wire or connecting lead, the
authority concerned shall be advised. In any case, the vertical distance between the
wire or lead and any point on the surface of the road shall be at least 5 m.
Where electric fences cross a bridleway or public pathway, a non-electrified gate shall
be incorporated in the fence at that point, or a crossing by means of stiles shall be
provided. At any such crossing, the adjacent fence wires shall carry warning plates as
specified in Clause E5.
If it is necessary to open an electric fence at places which are not accessible to the
public, parts liable to be handled shall be of insulating material or be suitably insulated
from the fence.
Fence wires and connecting leads shall not be fixed to posts used for low-voltage or
high-voltage overhead power lines or for telephone or telegraph lines. Mains-operated
electric fence energizers may be fixed to poles used for low-voltage lines, provided
permission is obtained from the relevant electricity supply utility, company or controlling
If an electric fence has be to installed in the vicinity of an overhead power line, the ver-
tical distance between any fence wire or connecting lead and the surface of the earth
shall not exceed 2 m. This distance applies at all places located from the orthogonal
projection of the outermost conductors of the power line on the surface of the earth at
a distance of 2 m or less for power lines operating at a nominal voltage not exceeding
1 kV, and 15 m or less for power lines operating at a nominal voltage exceeding 1
kV. Crossings with overhead power lines shall be avoided wherever possible. If such
a crossing cannot be avoided, it shall be made underneath the power line and as
nearly as possible at right angles to it, the distances specified above being applicable.
If crossings with overhead power lines cannot be avoided, the appropriate electricity
supply utility, company or authority shall be advised.
Where fence wires or connecting leads are installed in the vicinity of overhead com-
munication lines, the distance between any fence wire or connecting lead and these
lines shall be at least 2 m.
Inside buildings, connecting leads operating at a voltage exceeding 1 kV require a
special insulation which is effective with respect to structural parts connected to earth.
This provision can be achieved by using adequate spacing or high-voltage cables.
If it is necessary to lay the connecting leads underground, a high contact-resistance
between the live wire and the surrounding soil shall be ensured, for example, by using
a high-voltage cable or a conduit of insulating material. Moreover the effects of cattle
hooves and tractor wheels sinking into the ground shall be taken into account.
If the system earth of an electric fence is installed in the vicinity of a building, the
distance between this system earth and the protective earth and system earth of the
supply network shall be at least 10 m. The electrode of the system earth of the fence
shall preferably be installed at a spot where the soil is damp so as to ensure good
contact. The electrode shall, except for lowpowered battery-operated electric fence
energizers, penetrate the ground to a depth of at least 0.5 m.
When installing fence wires and connecting leads, joints between galvanically incom-
patible metals should be avoided or be protected against moisture. Provision shall be
made to prevent loosening of connections.
Vedlegg til Forskrifter for elektriske gjerdeapparater, NEMKO 751./83.
Instruks for opsetting og montasje av elektriske gjerdeapparater.
Installasjonsarbeid for tilknytning av gjerdeapparat til nettet skal utføres av installatør.
Gjerdeapparatet kan monteres innen- eller utendørs, men ikke i låve eller andre brannfarlige
rom. Det må ikke plasseres slik, at apparatet eller den tilkoblede gjerdetråd ved påregnelige
fejl kan komme i ledende forbindelse med andre elektriske ledninger eller andre elektriske
For tilkobling av apparatet over bevegelig ledning og plugg kreves stikkontakt, som må være i
sprutsikker utførelse ved oppsetting utendørs eller i våte rom. Stikkontakten bør være montert
i samme rom som gjerdeapparatet. Som bevegelig ledning skal brukes slangeledning av ikke
lettere type enn HO5RN-F (NMHO) med tverrsnitt minst 0,75 mm2. Fast tilkoblede apparater,
som ikke er forsynt med bryter, samt utendørs stikkontakter anbrakt lavere end 2 m over
terreng eller platform, skal kunne frakobles ved hjelp av flerpolet bryter, som fortrinnsvis
plasseres innendørs.
Gjerdetråden, som kan være f.eks. 2 mm galvanisert ståltråd, festes på isolatorer, utendørs
anbrakt på særskilte stolper eller peler.
Tråden må ikke føres inn i eller gjennom brannfarlige rom. Gjennom vegg skal tråden beskyttes
av rør av porselen eller minst likeverdig isolasjonsmateriale. Høyspennings-, lavspennings- eller
svakstrømsmaster må ikke brukes til feste av gjerdetråden.
Kryss av andre elektriske ledninger skal såvidt mulig unngås og skal i tilfelle utføres med størst
mulig avstand mellom ledningssettene. Kryssvinkelen skal være så ret som mulig.
Gjerdetråd med kortere horisontal avstand enn 2 m fra lavspennings luftledninger og 15 m fra
høyspennings luftledninger skal ikke ha større høyde end 1 m over marken.
Kryssing av offentlig vei eller jernbane er ikke tilladt.
Hvis gjerdetråden er nyttet som stengsel i fjøs e.l. må den ikke samtidig tilknyttes elektrisk
gjerde utendørs.
Gjerdetråder fra forskjellige gjerdeapparater må ikke festes til samme stolpe eller underlag
eller på annen måte komme i berøring med hverandre.
Det tillattes ikke innkobling av flere gjerdeapparater på samme gjerdetråd.
Når apparatet ikke er i bruk om vinteren, skal gjerdetråd og jordledning frakobles, og flyttbare
apparater oppbevares innendørs.


Table des Matières

Table des Matières