Game Rules
Object of the Game : Score points by kicking field goals through the opponent's goal
posts. First player to score 21 points wins the game. Players can use any one finger
to flick the ball into the air.
Game Rules: Each player will attempt to kick the ball through the field goal post
kicking 4 turns per round. After 4 kicks whether they are successful kicks or not, it
becomes player 2's turn. All kicks will be made from the players own side of the field.
Players will be awarded different amounts of points for each successful kick through
the goal posts depending on how far the successful kick was made from. Kicks that
do not go through the goal posts count as zero.
Scoring Rules
Kick from own 40 yard line: 1 Point
Kick from own 30 yard line : 2 Points
Kick from own 20 yard line : 3 Points
Kick from own 10 yard line : 4 Points
Kick from own ENDZONE : 5 points