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Liens rapides

1. Introduction
To all residents of the European Union
Important environmental information about this product
This symbol on the device or the package indicates that disposal of the device
after its lifecycle could harm the environment. Do not dispose of the unit (or
batteries) as unsorted municipal waste; it should be taken to a specialized
company for recycling. This device should be returned to your distributor or to a
local recycling service. Respect the local environmental rules.
If in doubt, contact your local waste disposal authorities.
Thank you for choosing Velleman! Please read the manual thoroughly before bringing this
device into service. If the device was damaged in transit, do not install or use it and contact
your dealer. Damage caused by disregard of certain guidelines in this manual is not
covered by the warranty and the dealer will not accept responsibility for any ensuing
defects or problems
This moisture meter is a handy tool for measuring the moisture level in sawn timber,
cardboard, paper, plaster, concrete and mortar.
2. Technical Specifications
Measuring Principle
Measuring Range
Other Materials
Other Materials
Power Supply
Working Temperature
Relative Ambient Temperature
3. Description
1. on/off switch
2. display
3. selection switch
4. electrode
5. protective cap
4. Maintenance
• Keep the moisture meter on a dry place.
• Prevent dirt from getting between the measuring electrodes.
• Changing the electrodes:
o Unscrew the electrodes from the unit and screw in the new electrodes.
electrical resistance
8mm, replaceable
1% ~ 45%
0.1% ~ 2.4%
± 1%
± 0.1%
± 3.0% RH
3 x CR2032C button cells (incl.)
0°C ~ 40°C
0% ~ 85%
139 x 47 x 25mm
5. Use
• Function Check
o Connect the electrodes to the T contacts on the protective cap.
Reference display for wood: 27% ± 2%.
Reference display for building material: 1.3% ± 0.1%.
o Connect the electrodes to the B contacts on the protective cap to perform a battery
Reference display for wood: 44% ± 2%.
Reference display for building material: 2.1% ± 0.1%.
• Application
o Remove the protective cap and place the selection switch to the appropriate
measuring function.
o Press both probes firmly into the material. Place the meter perpendicular to the fibre
structure of the wood.
o Repeat the process to yield representative measurements.
o Close the meter after each use.
• Display
continuous line: even values.
dotted line: uneven values.
o Overflow reading: > 45%/4.5%.
o OL: over-range reading.
NOTE: Characteristics due to growth or type of wood and deviating wood temperatures
may make it necessary to correct the displayed values. Measurements should be
carried out according to the drying and weighing/calcium carbide method in the
case of inspections or for reference purposes.
• Automatic Power-Off Function
• The meter will automatically switch off after approximately 15 minutes. Press the on/off
switch to restore the power.
• Changing the Batteries
Replace the batteries when
appears on the LCD.
• Unscrew the screw on the back of the device.
• Remove the battery cover.
• Replace the batteries respecting the polarity.
Use this device with original accessories only. Velleman nv cannot be held
responsible in the event of damage or injury resulted from (incorrect) use of this
For more info concerning this product, please visit our website www.perel.eu.
The information in this manual is subject to change without prior notice.
1. Introduction
Aux résidents de l'Union européenne
Des informations environnementales importantes concernant ce produit
Ce symbole sur l'appareil ou l'emballage indique que l'élimination d'un
appareil en fin de vie peut polluer l'environnement. Ne pas jeter un appareil
électrique ou électronique (et des piles éventuelles) parmi les déchets
municipaux non sujets au tri sélectif ; une déchèterie traitera l'appareil en
question. Renvoyer les équipements usagés à votre fournisseur ou à un
service de recyclage local. Il convient de respecter la réglementation locale relative à la
protection de l'environnement.
En cas de questions, contacter les autorités locales pour élimination.
Nous vous remercions de votre achat ! Lire la présente notice attentivement avant la mise
en service de l'appareil. Si l'appareil a été endommagé pendant le transport, ne pas
l'installer et consulter votre revendeur. La garantie ne s'applique pas aux dommages
survenus en négligeant certaines directives de cette notice et votre revendeur déclinera
toute responsabilité pour les problèmes et les défauts qui en résultent
Cet humidimètre est un outil pratique pour les mesures de taux d'humidité dans le bois, le
carton, le papier, le plâtre, le béton et le mortier.
2. Spécifications techniques
Élément de mesure
Plage de mesure
Autres matériaux
résistance électrique
8 mm, remplaçable
1 % ~ 45 %
0,1 % ~ 2,4 %
± 1 %



Sommaire des Matières pour Perel Tools EVM125

  • Page 1 Overflow reading: > 45%/4.5%. o OL: over-range reading. EVM125 – MOISTURE METER NOTE: Characteristics due to growth or type of wood and deviating wood temperatures may make it necessary to correct the displayed values. Measurements should be 1.
  • Page 2 Autres matériaux ± 0,1 % EVM125 – VOCHTMETER Précision ± 3,0 % RH Alimentation 3 piles bouton CR2032C (incl.) 1. Inleiding Température de service 0°C ~ 40°C Humidité relative ambiante 0 % ~ 85 % Dimensions 139 x 47 x 25 mm...
  • Page 3 Behörde. Peso 100g Wir bedanken uns für den Kauf des EVM125! Bitte lesen Sie diese Bedienungsanleitung 3. Descripción vor Inbetriebnahme sorgfältig durch. Überprüfen Sie, ob Transportschäden vorliegen. Sollte dies der Fall sein, verwenden Sie das Gerät nicht und wenden Sie sich an Ihren Händler.
  • Page 4 Em caso de dúvidas, contacte as autoridades locais para os resíduos. Utilize este aparelho apenas com os acessórios originais. A Velleman SL não será Agradecemos o facto de ter adquirido o EVM125! Leia atentamente as instruções contidas responsável por quaisquer danos causados pelo uso (indevido) deste aparelho.