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1. Introduction
Thank you for buying the HMUSD! Please read the manual carefully before bringing this device into service.
2. Installing the Battery
Use a 9V alkaline battery for optimum performance (not included). Slide the cover of the battery compartment in the
direction of the arrow. Make sure the black ribbon is under the battery when you insert it and respect the polarity
indications on the inside of the battery compartment. Replace the cover.
The battery needs to be replaced when the device no longer functions properly or the message "LOW BAT" appears
on the LCD. Remove the battery in case of prolonged inactivity since a leaking battery can destroy electronic parts.
3. Stabilising the Distance Measurer
The device is sensitive to changes in temperature and humidity. Activate the device and wait ± 15 minutes before
executing your first measurement. This will give the device sufficient time to reach room temperature.
4. Activating/Deactivating the Device
Place the LD/NORMAL/OFF slide switch on the side of the device in the LD or NORMAL position to turn on the
device. The device will deactivate automatically if no measurements are performed for 4 minutes. Put the slide switch
in the OFF position to turn the device off sooner.
Note that all previous measurements are erased from the memory when the device is deactivated.
5. Measurements
a. Place the LD/NORMAL/OFF switch in the NORMAL position when measuring a distance < 35ft (10.67m). Place
the switch in the LD (Long Distance) position when measuring a distance > 35ft.
b. Press the FEET/METER button to select FEET or METER, depending on the desired unit of measurement.
c. Place the bottom of the device against the wall about halfway between the floor and ceiling. Make sure your
hands are not blocking the front of the device.
d. Press the MEASURE/ON button. The device beeps and the distance from the device to the target object is
displayed on the LCD.
Notes :
• The measurement remains on the display for ± 4 minutes.
• ERROR is displayed when you are trying to measure a distance longer than 60ft or a distance that falls outside
the limits of the selected range.
6. Measuring Tips
• Some types of curtains or blinds absorb sound waves and this will affect the accuracy of your measurements.
Open the curtains before measuring the distance to a curtained window and make sure that the window is closed
before you start your measurement.
• No objects should obstruct the path between the HMUSD and the target object. Sound waves bouncing off chairs,
tables, etc. may cause false readings. Repeat your measurement if you doubt its accuracy.
• A wall with an uneven surface or a narrow corridor may produce false readings. Find an even stretch of wall or
move to the centre of the corridor.
• When placing the LD/NORMAL/OFF switch in the LD position : make sure there are no objects within 8.2ft (2.5m)
of the device to avoid false readings.
• You may want to measure distances > 60ft (18.288m). Select a point in the middle of the room, measure the
distance to both sides and add up the two measurements for your final result.
HMUSD – Ultrasonic Distance Meter
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Table des Matières

Sommaire des Matières pour Perel Tools HMUSD

  • Page 1 Open the curtains before measuring the distance to a curtained window and make sure that the window is closed before you start your measurement. • No objects should obstruct the path between the HMUSD and the target object. Sound waves bouncing off chairs, tables, etc. may cause false readings. Repeat your measurement if you doubt its accuracy.
  • Page 2: Backlight

    3 to 60ft // 0.91 to 18.288m The information in this manual is subject to change without prior notice. HMUSD – ULTRASONE AFSTANDSMETER 1. Inleiding Dank u voor uw aankoop ! Lees de handleiding aandachtig voor u het toestel in gebruik neemt.
  • Page 3 • Tussen de HMUSD en het doelvoorwerp mogen zich geen obstakels bevinden. Geluidsgolven die terugkaatsen van tafels, stoelen, enz. leiden zorgen voor onjuiste metingen. Herhaal een meting indien u niet zeker bent van de nauwkeurigheid van het resultaat.
  • Page 4: Achtergrondverlichting

    3 tot 60ft // 0.91 tot 18.288m De gegevens in deze handleiding kunnen worden gewijzigd zonder voorafgaande kennisgeving. HMUSD – TELEMETRE A ULTRASONS 1. Introduction Nous vous remercions de votre achat ! Lisez la notice attentivement avant la mise en service de l’appareil.
  • Page 5: Température De Chambre

    Ouvrez les rideaux et fermez la fenêtre avant d’effectuer vos mesures. • Enlevez tout obstacle entre le HMUSD et l’objet cible. Des ondes sonores répercutées par des chaises, une table, etc. donnent lieu à des mesures imprécises. Répétez une mesure si vous vous doutez de sa précision.
  • Page 6: Rétro-Éclairage

    HMUSD – Medidor de distancia por ultrasonidos 1. Introducción ¡Gracias por haber comprador el HMUSD! Lea cuidadosamente las instrucciones del manual antes de usarlo. 2. Introducir la pila Use una pila alcalina de 9V para un funcionamiento óptimo (pila no incl.). Abra la tapa del compartimiento de la pila en la dirección de la flecha.
  • Page 7 Abra las cortinas y cierre la ventana antes de efectuar las medidas. • Quite todo obstáculo entre el HMUSD y el objeto blanco. Ondas sonoras transferidas por sillas, una mesa, etc. podrían causar medidas imprecisas. Repita una medida si tiene dudas acerca de la precisión.
  • Page 8 Se pueden modificar las especificaciones y el contenido de este manual sin previo aviso. HMUSD – Ultraschall-Abstandsmessgerät 1. Einführung Wir bedanken uns für den Kauf des HMUSD ! Lesen Sie diese Bedienungsanleitung vor Inbetriebnahme sorgfältig durch. 2. Batterien einlegen Verwenden Sie eine 9V-Alkalinebatterie für eine optimale Wirkung (Batterie nicht mitgeliefert). Schieben Sie den Batteriefachdeckel in Richtung Pfeil ab.
  • Page 9: Messergebnisse Speichern

    Sie dafür, dass das Fenster geschlossen ist, ehe Sie die Messungen durchführen. • Es dürfen sich keine Hindernisse zwischen dem HMUSD und dem Gegenstand befinden. Schallwellen, die an Tischen, Stühlen, usw. reflektiert werden, könnten falsche Messungen verursachen. Wiederholen Sie eine Messung wenn Sie sich der Genauigkeit vom Ergebnis nicht sicher sind.
  • Page 10: Technische Daten

    Messeinheit ft oder m Genauigkeit 0.5% (± 1 Digit) Frequenz 40KHz Arbeitstemperatur 32°F bis 109.4°F (0°C bis 43°C) Bereich 3 bis 60ft // 0.91 bis 18.288m Änderungen in Technik und Ausstattung ohne vorherige Ankündigung vorbehalten. HMUSD PEREL - 10 -...

Table des Matières