User manual
The drivers are installed in the operating system, however, if you need
to reinstall them, you can do so through the download section of the
electronic ID reader:
8. Installation of the certificate for DNIe
How to install the cryptographic module for DNIe
You can find the latest version at the following link:
h t t p s : / / w w w . d n i e l e c t r o n i c o . e s / P o r t a l D N I e / P R F 1 _ C o n s 0 2 .
with the following nomenclature according to
the latest available version. On the page, you must select the operating
system that you use to download the certificate.
With just running this file will be installed the CSP module for the Microsoft
Windows environment and the PKCS # 11 module for Mozilla and
Netscape Firefox browsers.
You must restart the PC to complete the installation. At the restart, the Root
Certificate of the DGP will be installed in the browsers that are installed.
The security devices of the installed Mozilla and Netscape Firefox browsers
are also configured.
In the directory C: \ DNIe two files are located for future configurations by
the user.
Root certificate of the DGP
PKCS # 11 module for installation