For device series:
HEYLO GmbH, Im Finigen 9, 28832 Achim, Germany, declares that, if they are fitted, maintained and
used in conformity with the operating instructions and the generally accepted engineering standards, the
machines mentioned are in keeping with the fundamental safety and health requirements of the
"Machine Ordinance" as well as with the regulations and standards mentioned hereinafter.
Applicable EC directives:
Safety of machines
Electro-Magnetic Compatibility (EMC)
The declaration loses its validity in case of unauthorized changes to the machines.
Applied and partially applied standards:
DIN EN 60 335-1
DIN EN 60 335-2-65
Achim, 11.11.2020
Table of contents
1. General aspects ..................................................................................................... 15
2. Scope of delivery .................................................................................................... 15
3. Safety instructions .................................................................................................. 16
10. Technical data ..................................................................................................... 23
12. Optional accessories ............................................................................................. 25
13. Wiring diagram ................................................................................................... 25
EC Declaration of Conformity, IIA
In conformity with EC Machine Directive 2006/42/EC,
Air cleaner
HL 800
Dr. Thomas Wittleder
- Managing Director -