Copy Tracks (USB <-> SD)
Copy one track: During playback, press REC to copy the current track. After the copy process, the
playback will be stopped.
Copy all tracks: Press REC in STOP mode, to copy all files on the drive to the other drive. After
the copy process ended, the playback will be stopped.
Please note: After hitting REC during playback, the current track will be copied from SD to USB or vice
versa. The system automatically generates an "FCOPY" folder on the target drive, where the copied
files will be stored in.
Adjust bitrate: You can choose the encoding bitrates 32 / 64 /96 /128 / 192 / 256 KBPS. Select PHONO
mode and stay in STOP mode. Press INFO and select the desired encoding bitrate, using
Press INFO to confirm.
Track Separation: You can manually insert space between tracks, when encoding vinyl to MP3: Each
time you press TS (on the RC) during the encoding process, a new MP3 file is generated without inter-
rupting the recording process at all.
Delete files: During playback (USB/SD), press and hold INFO for 3 seconds. The display shows DEL--001.
will ask you to confirm. Choose YES or NO with
To delete ALL files, press and hold INFO 3 seconds, until the display shows DEL--001. Press INFO. The
system will ask you to confirm. Choose YES or NO with
Anti Skating: Use the anti skating knob to adjust the pressure of the needle.
Platter speed alignment: While playing a vinyl record, observe the appropriate strip of strobe calib-
ration dots from the strobe lens. The upper one is for 33RPM, the middle one is for 45RPM. If the stobe
dots appear to float to the right, the platter rotates too slow for the record. Adjust the pitch control to
fine tune (+). If the dots seem to float left, slightly turn the pitch control down (-).
Adjusting the Auto-Stop position: If the system does not completely play the record, but returns the
pickup arm too early, rotate the alignment screw (22) clockwise. If the player does not return the pickup
arm automatically, rotate the screw anti clockwise.
Please note: The default setting is based on the most common template; if you adjust it, please check
the return position time by time during adjustment, and avoid over tunding the screw. Ask someone
experienced, when in doubt. Only turn the screw in steps of 1/4 turns to be safe. Breaking the thread
can cause defect to the record player - in this case the warranty expires.
MP3: Additional Functions
to select the file you want to delete. When selected, press REC to delete. The system
. Confirm by pressing REC.
. Confirm by pressing REC.