Hot Plate – Model G24-15H
Pilot Burner Adjustment
1. Remove ring grates and top grate, if not already removed.
2. Adjust the pilot valve, located on the manifold between
the two burner valves, to a yellow fl ame 1/2 inch (13 mm)
long (This adjustment can be made through the opening
in the upper front panel, around the rear burner valve.)
3. Replace ring grates and top grate.
To Operate Main Burner
1. Hi-speed non-clog burners light automatically from the
2. Turn left valve full "ON" to light front burner. Turn right
valve full "ON" to light rear burner.
G24 Griddles
Lighting & Pilot Burner Adjustment
Each griddle burner is equipped with a pilot.
For the HI-LO valve operated model, the pilot adjusting valve
burner pilot is located on the manifold to the right of each
griddle valve. Open the pilot valve with a screwdriver and
light the pilot with a match.
For the griddle equipped with thermostats (GTHX) the pilot is
located to the left of the ON-OFF valve. Open the pilot valve
with a screwdriver and light the pilot with a match.
Pilots fl ames must be 3/4 inch (19mm) long .
Hi-Lo Valve Adjustment
Griddles equipped with Hi-Lo valves require a low fl ame
setting. To adjust, proceed as follows:
1. Burner must be cold.
2. Be sure pilot fl ames are lit and adjusted.
3. Turn dial to "LO" position, then remove dial.
4. With a screwdriver, turn the small adjusting screw inside
the valve stem and adjust to obtain the low cooking
temperature desired, maintaining a stable fl ame covering
the entire burner (minimum 3/16 inch (5 mm) long
fl ame)).
Page 8
5. Replace dial and turn to "OFF" position.
Calibration Instructions
1. Use a test instrument with a special disc type
thermocouple or a reliable surface type pyrometer. Note:
a drop of oil on the face of the disc will provide better
contact with the plate.
2. Set all griddle thermostats to 350°F. In order to allow the
griddle temperature to stabilize, the thermostats must be
allowed to cycle twice before taking a test reading.
3. Check the griddle temperature when the thermostat just
cycles "OFF" by placing the thermocouple fi rmly on the
griddle surface directly above the sensing bulb of the
thermostat. The reading should be between 335°F and
365°F. If the reading is outside of these limits, calibrate as
4. Carefully remove the dial, not disturbing the shaft
5. Hold the shaft steady and with a small fl at screw driver
turn the calibration screw located inside the shaft
clockwise to decrease temperature or anti-clockwise to
increase temperature. Note: Each 1/4 turn of the screw
will create a change of approximately 25°F.
6. Replace the thermostat dial and repeat steps 1 through 3
to verify that a correct adjustment has been made.
G20-SP and G20-SPH Stock Pot Range
Pilot Burner Adjustment
G20-SP Stock Pot Range
1. The pilot adjusting valve is located on the manifold.
2. With valve panel in place, the pilot can be adjusted with a
long thin screwdriver to obtain a 7/16 inch (11 mm) long
fl ame. (This adjustment can be made through the small
hole located on the valve panel.)
Part #4519655 Rev.2 (Jan 27/15)