3.5. Swimming Pool Heat Pumps Electrical Wiring
NOTE: Although the unit heat exchanger is electrically isolated from the rest of the unit, it simply
prevents the flow of electricity to or from the pool water. Grounding the unit is still required to
protect you against short circuits inside the unit. Bonding is also required.
The unit has a separate molded-in junction box with a standard electrical conduit nipple already
in place. Just remove the screws and the front panel, feed your supply lines in through the
conduit nipple and wire-nut the electric supply wires to the three connections already in the
junction box (four connections if three phase). To complete electrical hookup, connect Heat
Pump by electrical conduit, UF cable or other suitable means as specified (as permitted by local
electrical authorities) to a dedicated AC power supply branch circuit equipped with the proper
circuit breaker, disconnect or time delay fuse protection.
Disconnect - A disconnect means (circuit breaker, fused or un-fused switch) should be located
within sight of and readily accessible from the uni, This is common practice on commercial and
residential air conditioners and heat pumps. It prevents remotely energizing unattended
equipment and permits turning off power at the unit while the unit is being serviced.
3.6. Initial Startup Of The Unit
NOTE- In order for the unit to heat the pool or spa, the filter pump must be running to circulate
water through the heat exchanger.
Start up Procedure - After installation is completed, you should follow these steps:
1. Turn on your filter pump. Check for water leaks and verify flow to and from the pool.
2. Turn on the electrical power supply to the unit, then press the key ON/OFF of wire
controller, It should start in several seconds.
3. After running a few minutes make sure the air leaving the top(side) of the unit is cooler
(Between 5-10 °C).
4. With the unit operating turn the filter pump off. The unit should also turn off automatically.
5. Allow the unit and pool pump to run 24 hours per day until desired pool water temperature is
reached. When the water-in temperature reach setting, The unit just shuts off. The unit will now
automatically restart (as long as your pool pump is running) when the pool temperature drops
more than 2 °C below set temperature.
Time Delay- The unit is equipped with a 3 minute built-in solid state restart delay included to
protect control circuit components and to eliminate restart cycling and contactor chatter. This
time delay will automatically restart the unit approximately 3 minutes after each control circuit
interruption. Even a brief power interruption will activate the solid state 3 minute restart delay
and prevent the unit from starting until the 5 minute countdown is completed. Power
interruptions during the delay period will have no effect on the 3 minute countdown.