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  • FRANÇAIS, page 4

Liens rapides

Rev. B
English:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3
Français:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-6
Deutsch: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-9
Italiano: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-12
Español: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-15
Nederlands: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-18
Portuguese: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19-22
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23-25
Repair Parts Sheets for this product are available from the Enerpac
web site at, or from your nearest Authorized
Enerpac Service Center or Enerpac Sales office.
Visually inspect all components for shipping damage. Shipping
damage is not covered by warranty. If shipping damage is found,
notify carrier at once. The carrier is responsible for all repair and
replacement costs resulting from damage in shipment.
Read all instructions, warnings and cautions
carefully. Follow all safety precautions to avoid
personal injury or property damage during system
operation. Enerpac cannot be responsible for damage or injury
resulting from unsafe product use, lack of maintenance or
incorrect product and/or system operation. Contact Enerpac
when in doubt as to the safety precautions and operations. If you
have never been trained on high-pressure hydraulic safety,
consult your distribution or service center for a free Enerpac
Hydraulic safety course.
Failure to comply with the following cautions and warnings could
cause equipment damage and personal injury.
A CAUTION is used to indicate correct operating or maintenance
procedures and practices to prevent damage to, or destruction of
equipment or other property.
A WARNING indicates a potential danger that requires correct
procedures or practices to avoid personal injury.
A DANGER is only used when your action or lack of action may
cause serious injury or even death.
WARNING: Wear proper personal protective gear when
operating hydraulic equipment.
WARNING: Stay clear of loads supported by hydraulics.
A cylinder, when used as a load lifting device, should
never be used as a load holding device. After the load
has been raised or lowered, it must always be blocked
Instruction Sheet
10-ton Bench Press
LOADS. Carefully select steel or wood blocks that are
capable of supporting the load. Never use a hydraulic
cylinder as a shim or spacer in any lifting or pressing application.
DANGER: To avoid personal injury keep hands
and feet away from cylinder and workpiece during
WARNING: Do not exceed equipment ratings. Never
attempt to lift a load weighing more than the capacity of
the cylinder. Overloading causes equipment failure and
possible personal injury. The cylinders are designed for a max.
pressure of 700 bar [10,000 psi]. Do not connect a jack or
cylinder to a pump with a higher pressure rating.
Never set the relief valve to a higher pressure than the
maximum rated pressure of the pump. Higher settings
may result in equipment damage and/or personal injury.
WARNING: The system operating pressure must not
exceed the pressure rating of the lowest rated
component in the system. Install pressure gauges in the
system to monitor operating pressure. It is your window to what
is happening in the system.
CAUTION: Avoid damaging hydraulic hose. Avoid sharp
bends and kinks when routing hydraulic hoses. Using a
bent or kinked hose will cause severe back-pressure.
Sharp bends and kinks will internally damage the hose leading
to premature hose failure.


Table des Matières

Sommaire des Matières pour Enerpac A258

  • Page 1 ........23-25 Repair Parts Sheets for this product are available from the Enerpac web site at, or from your nearest Authorized...
  • Page 2: Important

    WARNING: Immediately replace worn or damaged parts by genuine ENERPAC parts. Standard grade parts will break causing personal injury and property damage. ENERPAC parts are designed to fit properly and withstand high loads. WARNING: Do not load press frame beyond rated capacity of the frame or its component parts.
  • Page 3: Hydraulic Connections

    Change hydraulic oil in your system as recommended in the for safe operation. pump instruction sheet. Use only Enerpac hydraulic oil. Use of fluids other than 1. Center workpieces in the press. Enerpac hydraulic oil may cause damage to your system and will void your Enerpac warranty.
  • Page 4: Instructions Importantes Relatives À La Réception

    Rev. B 07/12 Les vues éclatées de ce produit sont disponibles sur le site Enerpac Vous pouvez également les obtenir auprès de votre réparateur agréé Enerpac ou auprès d’Enerpac même. 1.0 INSTRUCTIONS IMPORTANTES RELATIVES À LA RÉCEPTION Inspecter tous les composants pour vous assurer qu’ils n’ont subi aucun dommage en cours d’expédition.
  • Page 5: Installation De La Presse

    IMPORTANT : Le matériel hydraulique doit uniquement être réparé par un technicien hydraulique qualifié. Pour toute réparation, contacter le centre de réparation ENERPAC agréé le plus proche. Pour assurer la validité de la garantie, n’utiliser que de l’huile ENERPAC. AVERTISSEMENT : Remplacer immédiatement les pièces usées ou endommagées par des pièces...
  • Page 6: Branchements Hydrauliques

    être projetés hors de la presse, causant des blessures graves ou des dégâts à l’équipement. peut endommager le circuit et annuler la garantie d’Enerpac. Consulter les instructions complètes pour les composants Si des entretoises sont utilisées pour la mise en place, elles hydrauliques fournies avec la pompe et le vérin.
  • Page 7: Sicherheit Geht Vor

    POWERFUL SOLUTIONS. GLOBAL FORCE. 10-Ton Bankpressen L2065 Rev. B 07/12 Das Ersatzteilblatt für dieses Produkt finden Sie auf der Enerpac Website, oder bei Ihrem nächstgelegenen authorisierten Enerpac Service Center oder einem Enerpac Vertriebsbüro. 1.0 WICHTIGE VERFAHRENSHINWEISE FÜR DEN EMPFANG: Alle Komponenten auf sichtbare Transportschäden inspizieren.
  • Page 8: Technische Daten

    (B) und positionieren Sie die Montageplatte wie erforderlich. qualifizierten Hydrauliktechniker gewartet werden. Bei Reparaturarbeiten an die autorisierte ENERPAC- Kundendienstzentrale der jeweiligen Region wenden. Zur Aufrechterhaltung der Garantie nur ENERPAC-Öl verwenden. WARNUNG: Abgenutzte oder beschädigte Teile unverzüglich durch ENERPAC-Originalteile ersetzen. Standardteile...
  • Page 9: Hydraulische Anschlüsse

    Bedienungsanleitung zur Pumpe wechseln. Werkstücke in der Presse zentrieren. Nur Hydrauliköl von Enerpac verwenden. Die Verwendung ACHTUNG: Nicht in der Achse des Zylinders zentrierte anderer Öle kann zu Schäden am System und zum Erlöschen Preßstücke sind unter Druckeinwirkung instabil. Sie der Garantie führen.
  • Page 10: Sicurezza Anzitutto

    Rispettare tutte le norme di sicurezza per evitare infortuni alle persone e danni alle cose. read.eps L’ENERPAC non è responsabile per infortuni e danni causati dal mancato rispetto delle Norme di Sicurezza, dall’uso e dall’applicazione impropria del prodotto o dalla sua mancata manutenzione.
  • Page 11: Montaggio Del Cilindro

    IMPORTANTE: La manutenzione delle attrezzature oleodinamiche deve essere affidata solo a tecnici qualificati. Per il servizio di assistenza tecnica, rivolgersi al Centro Assistenza Autorizzato ENERPAC di zona. Per salvaguardare la Vostra garanzia, usare solo olio ENERPAC. AVVERTENZA: Sostituire immediatamente le parti usurate o danneggiate con ricambi originali ENERPAC.
  • Page 12: Ricerca Dei Guasti

    Per istruzioni operative dettagliate, consultare i manuali di Usare solamente olio idraulico Enerpac. L’uso di fluidi diversi dall’olio istruzioni acclusi alla pompa ed al cilindro. idraulico Enerpac può causare danni al sistema e annulla la garanzia. 5.1.1 Pompe manuali Per istruzioni dettagliate sui componenti oleodinamici, consultare i Nelle pompe manuali con valvola di rilascio, chiudere la valvola di manuali di istruzioni acclusi alla pompa e al cilindro.
  • Page 13: Aspectos De Seguridad

    07/12 Las hojas de despiece para este producto estan disponibles en la página web de Enerpac en la dirección,o en su centro de Asistencia Técnica ó punto de venta Enerpac mas cercano. 1.0 IMPORTANTES INSTRUCCIONES DE RECEPCIÓN Inspeccione visualmente todos los componentes para verificar si hay daños de envío.
  • Page 14 IMPORTANTE: Únicamente técnicos calificados en sistemas hidráulicos habrán de prestarle servicio al equipo hidráulico. Comuníquese con el Centro de Servicio ENERPAC autorizado en su zona para prestarle servicio de reparaciones. Use únicamente aceite ENERPAC a fin de proteger su garantía.
  • Page 15: Conexiones Hidráulicas

    Coloque las piezas a trabajarse en el centro de la prensa. Sólo utilice aceite hidráulico Enerpac. Si se usan otros fluidos ADVERTENCIA: Los artículos que no queden alineados distintos al aceite hidráulico Enerpac, se podría causar daños con el centro del cilindro serán inestables al aplicar la...
  • Page 16: Veiligheid Voorop

    Lees nauwkeurig alle instructies, waarschuwingen en let op-gedeelten. Volg alle veiligheidsvoorzieningen om persoonlijk letsel of schade aan eigendom te voorkomen als het systeem in werking is. Enerpac kan niet read.eps verantwoordelijk worden gesteld voor schade of letsels als gevolg van onveilig gebruik van dit product, gebrek aan onderhoud, of onjuiste toepassing van het product of het systeem.
  • Page 17: Technische Gegevens

    BELANGRIJK: Hydraulische machines mogen enkel door een bevoegd hydraulisch technicus van onderhoud worden voorzien. Voor reparaties dient u contact op te nemen met een nabijgelegen bevoegd ENERPAC servicecentrum. Om uw garantie te beschermen, enkel ENERPAC olie gebruiken. WAARSCHUWING: Versleten beschadigde onderdelen onmiddellijk met authentieke ENERPAC onderdelen vervangen.
  • Page 18: Hydraulische Verbindingen

    Neem de gewenste slag uit te laten lopen. Om de cilinder terug te laten contact op met het erkende Enerpac servicecentrum in uw regio lopen de ontlastklep langzaam openen. Op handpompen met voor reparatieservice.
  • Page 19: Segurança Em Primeiro Lugar

    Rev. B 07/12 Folhas de Instrução para este produto estão disponíveis no Site de Enerpac -, ou no Centro de Serviço Autorizado mais próximo, ou com o Escritório de Vendas Enerpac. 1.0 INSTRUÇÕES IMPORTANTES NO RECEBIMENTO Inspecione visualmente todos os componentes verificando se houve avarias durante o transporte.
  • Page 20: Especificações

    Quando aplicável, use uma base de cilindro Enerpac para aumentar a estabilidade. Não faça soldas ou, de qualquer forma, modifique o cilindro para acrescentar uma base ou outro apoio.
  • Page 21: Conexões Hidráulicas

    4.3 Conexões Hidráulicas Use somente óleo hidráulico Enerpac. A utilização de outros fluídos, que não o óleo hidráulico Enerpac, pode causar Instale um manômetro na linha da bomba, para maior danos ao seu sistema e invalidar a garantia Enerpac. segurança e melhor controle do sistema.
  • Page 22 Problema Causas Pos Simveis Solução O cilindro não avança, 1. O nível de óleo está baixo no 1. Adicione óleo na bomba. avança vagarosamente ou reservatório da bomba. 2. Feche a válvula de alívio. avança aos trancos. 2. A válvula de alívio da bomba 3.
  • Page 23 POWERFUL SOLUTIONS. GLOBAL FORCE. 07/12 read.eps ®...
  • Page 24 16" (406.4 mm) 取り付けプレート (A) をプレスの必要な位置に合わせます。 シリン ダを取り付けプレート (A) にねじ込みます。 4個のボルト (B) を締め 付けて、 取り付けプレートを固定します。 ボルトを締め付けた後で、 取り付けプレートの位置を再点検しま す。 必要に応じて、 4個のボルト (B) を緩めて、 取り付けプレートの 位置を調整します。 25.63 in 5.75 in 18.75 in 16.5 in. (65,09 cm) (14,61 cm) (47,63 cm) (41,94 cm)
  • Page 28 Rep. office Enerpac For the location of your nearest authorized Une division d’ACTUANT France S.A. Russian Federation Enerpac Integrated Solutions B.V. Enerpac Service Center, visit us at ZA de Courtaboeuf Admirala Makarova Street 8 Opaalstraat 44 32, avenue de la Baltique...

Table des Matières