Description of the FA power supply
1- Mass connection
2- Indicator of correct operation
3- Overload indicator
4- Power / Control output connector
5- Connection cable to the mains
6- Supply / Control cable
7- List of technical characteristics
Description of the amplifier
8- Signal output F connector
9- F-connector for output signal testing at -30 dB
10- Operating indicator
11- Power / Control output connector
12- Level regulator of the output signal
13- Input F connector from the transmodulators
14- F-connector for the extension signal input
15- Mass connection
16- 75Ω F loads
17- F-connectors
18- List of technical characteristics
Description of transmodulators
19- F connector for signal input from previous transmodulator or from the
20- F connector for COFDM signal output to the next transmodulator F
21- COFDM channel hook-up indicator
22- Infrared receiver
23- Programming indicator
24- Program mode switch
25- Infrared emitter
26- The right unpacking of the TV program
27- Correct HF output channel Indicator
28- Power / Control output connector
29- Level regulator of the output signal
30- F-connector for RF signal input from upstream transmodulator
31- F-connector for RF signal output to downstream transmodulator or
32- Mass connection
33- Upper and lower bridges (41,5 mm)
34- List of technical characteristics
Serie 905-TO
ENG - 25