Note: some of the parts described below refer only to the A700F version
In the manual functioning mode the OPEN input consents to the opening manoeuvre, the CLOSE input consents to the closing
manoeuvre, the STEP-BY-STEP consents to an alternating closing and opening manoeuvre; as soon as the command in input
stops, movement stops. If, during an opening manoeuvre, the limit switches trigger or if PHOTOCELL 2 (on the PIU' card) fails to
give consent, movement will stop; during a closing manoeuvre, on the other hand, movement will also stop if there is no consent
from PHOTOCELL and PHOTOCELL 1. Whether in the opening or closing phase, movement will be brought to an abrupt stop by
means of STOP. When a movement is stopped you have to stop the command in input before a new command has the chance
to start a new movement.
When in one of the automatic functioning modes (semiautomatic, automatic or close always), a command pulse on the OPEN
input will cause an opening manoeuvre; if the command persists once fully open, the gate will stay in this position for a "infinite"
pause time; only when the command stops can the gate close again. A pulse on the STEP-BY-STEP causes an alternating closing
and opening manoeuvre. A second pulse on the STEP-BY-STEP or on the input that started movement, will cause a Stop.
Whether in the opening or closing phase, movement will be brought to an abrupt stop by means of STOP.
If, instead of a pulse on a command input a continuous signal is maintained, a state of "priority" will be created where the other
command inputs are disabled (useful if you want to connect a timer or a Night-Day selector).
If you have chosen the automatic functioning mode, subsequent to an opening manoeuvre there will be a pause followed by a
closing manoeuvre. If, during the pause time, either the PHOTOCELL or PHOTOCELL 1 triggers, the timer will be reset with a new
pause time; if, on the other hand, there is a STOP during the pause time, the reclosing function is cancelled and there is a STOP
Triggering of PHOTOCELL or PHOTOCELL 1 has no effect during an opening manoeuvre but PHOTOCELL 2 (on the PIU' card)
will cause reversal of movement; the triggering of PHOTOCELL or PHOTOCELL 1 during a closing manoeuvre will cause reversal
of movement followed by a pause time and then a reclosing manoeuvre.
The unit comprises a set of microswitches used to operate various functions so as to render the system more suitable to user
needs and safer in the different ways of usage. All functions are activated by placing the dip-switch in the "ON" position while they
will not be activated if the corresponding dip-switches are "OFF"; some functions do not have an immediate effect and only have
sense in certain conditions like, for instance, the No. 12 function "Flashing also in pause time" which is only active with automatic
closing and if the manoeuvre is not interrupted with a STOP command.
ATTENTION: some of the programmable functions are linked to safety aspects; very carefully evaluate the effects of a
function and see which function gives the greatest possible level of safety.
When servicing a system, before you modify a programmable function, ascertain the reason why, during installation, certain
choices were made and then verify if, with the new programming, safety will be impaired.
With the FUNCTIONS dip-switch you can select the various functioning modes and add the functions required according to this
Switches 1-2 :
Switch 3 :
Switch 4 :
Switch 5 :
Switch 6 :
Switch 7 :
Switch 8 :
Switch 9 :
Switch 10 :
Off Off
= "Manual" movement (Man Present)
On Off = "Semiautomatic" movement
Off On = "Automatic" movement (Automatic Closing)
On On = "Automatic+Always Closes" movement
= Condominium functioning mode <
= Preflashing
= Recloses immediately after Photocell <
= Photocell 1 also in Opening
= Gradual start
= Gradual stop
= Water hammering
= Courtesy light on flashing
Not available in the Manual mode
Only in the Automatic mode