Error LED: Solid Red
Error LED: Blinking Red
w/Cables Connected Properly
Single (1) Flash
Double (2) Flash
Quadruple (4)Flash
Quintuple (5) Flash
Sextuple (6) Flash
Hot LED: Solid
Hot LED: Flashing
Hot LED: Flashes
Then All LEDs Off
Cold LED: Solid
Cold LED: Flashing
Cold LED: Flashes
Then All LEDs Off
Boost Light Does Not Come On
w/Cables Connected Properly
Reverse polarity / Reverse the battery connections.
Short circuit detected at the clamps. / Have battery checked by a professional.
Short circuit detected on battery clamps. / Remove all loads, reconnect clamps to battery.
High voltage detected at clamps (the GB250 is connected to a voltage system greater than 12V, such as 24V)
Charge timeout error (i.e. the GB250 has been in bulk charge for too long)
XGC OUT over current (i.e. more than 15amps is being drawn from the XGC OUT port)
Back-Charge detected into the GB250 through the clamps while in a Boost Mode (i.e. the GB250 is in Manual
Override and then connected to a system greater than 12V, such as 24V)
Unit is fully operational, but approaching upper temperature limit. / Allow the unit to cool.
Unit is too hot to jump start, only the flashlight is available in this state. / Allow the unit to cool.
Unit is too hot to jump start or use other functions. / Allow the unit to cool, and bring the unit into cooler
Unit is fully operational, but approaching lower temperature limit. / Allow the unit to warm up.
Unit is too cold to jump start, only the flashlight is available in this state / Allow the unit to warm up.
Unit is too cold to jump start or use other functions. / Allow the unit to warm up, and bring the unit into warmer
Connected battery is below 3-volts / Remove all loads, and try again, or use manual override mode.