Nominal voltage of the installation in kV.
Dpel-1 Distance to the outer limit of the danger zone
when there is a risk of lightning surge (cm).
Dpel-2 Distance to the outer limit of the danger zone
when there is no risk of lightning surge (cm).
Dprox-1 Distance to the outer limit of the proximity zone
when it is possible to accurately delimit the work
area and ensure that this is not breached during
performance of the work (cm).
Dprox-2 Distance to the outer limit of the proximity zone
when it is not possible to accurately delimit the
work area and ensure that this is not breached
during performance of the work (cm).
The use of Sofamel insulating poles is recommended.
ROYAL DECREE 614/2001, of 8 June, governing minimum
provisions for the protection of workers' health and safety
against electrical risk.
To turn the flashlight on, press the test button for about 3