MVI pompstation / MVI pump station / station de pompage MVI
Do not follow the electrical instructions described in the Wilo manual. These
might not be suited for this pump.
Attention: Change the control setting!
The supplied Wilo pump is not modulating. To alter this in the Resol control,
change the setting Pump speed control n1MN to 100% (factory setting 30%).
By not changing this setting, the relay in the CB-box will be destroyed within a
short period of time.
SHM Control
For this instruction, the SHM control already has to be connected as instructed in the
manual supplied with the water heater. See also appendix 9.2.
Mount the CB-box, supplied with the pump station, and the SHM control, supplied with
the water heater, to the wall. Place them close to the high capacity solar pump station
and the water heater.
Remove the cover of the CB-box.
Connect the main power supply (L, N and
right side of the clamp strip.
Supply power to the SHM control by using the supply out connections of the CB-box
and connect them to the Solar
Control connection 1 -
and 3 - N.
Connect the SHM pump output
(8 - L1 and 9 - N) to the CB-box
connection pump in.
From the CB-box connection
pump out, connect the wiring to
the solar pump as indicated on
the cover of the electrical
connection box of the solar
Do not follow the electrical instructions described in the Wilo manual. These
might not be suited for this pump.
) to the main supply connections on the
, 2 - L