EWM1 V2 is a wireless device intended to expand ELDES alarm
system capabilities by providing a wireless connection access
to any 230V electrical appliance, such as lights, air-condition-
er, watering equipment etc. By plugging the appliance into the
electrical outlet of EWM1 V2, the user gains the possibility to
control it by wireless key fob, keypad, scheduled time or a spe-
cific system event. In addition, EWM1 V2 lets you monitor the
power consumption and view the reports. In another safety and
protection feature EWM1 V2 will prevent the electrical appliance
from powering up if certain fault conditions are present (see 4.
FAULT INDICATIONS). In order to start using EWM1 V2, it has
to be paired with ELDES alarm system using ELDES Utility soft-
ware or by sending a corresponding SMS text message to ELDES
alarm system.
It is possible to connect up to 16 EWM1 V2 devices to PITBULL
ALARM/PITBULL ALARM PRO system, while to ESIM364/
ESIM384 alarm system - up to 32 EWM1 V2 devices at a time.
The maximum wireless connection range is 150m (492.13ft) (in
open areas).