Plumbing Applications
The boiler piping system of a hot water boiler connected to heating coils located in air handling units where they may
be exposed to refrigerated air circulation must be equipped with flow control valves or other automatic means to
prevent gravity circulation of the boiler water during the cooling cycle.
- Before operating for the first time, confirm that 2.5 GPM flows through with only the bypass circuit opened (with the
heating and indirect domestic hot water loops closed).
* This flow rate can be confirmed by adjusting the gate valve on the bypass circuit until the controller indicates that the
unit is heating.
- Do not install air separators where negative pressure can develop in the system. Air will be drawn in. Install air
separators at the highest level in the system
- Inspect expansion tanks once a year to confirm there is enough air in them.
- Test the pressure relief valve once a year to ensure is works properly.
- This unit is designed so that the indirect water heating loop will have priority over the hydronic heating loop, so
design the system so that the air handler will shut down if it is not receiving hot water.
- This product is designed with a water flow switch, so no LWCO is necessary. If local codes require a LWCO, install
it on the power supply line. Refer to the installation and instruction manual of the LWCO for details.
- There is a filter on the return into the unit. Clean this after installation and again during inspection.
- This product was shipped with a cap where the relief valve should be installed. After installation, test the piping at 45
psi with the cap on, and then install the relief valve afterwards.
Pump Cautions
- Use the circulating pumps listed below or their equivalents. Add a pump if these are too small. The pump terminal
in the unit is rated for 2.2 Amps. (See p.25 for instructions for pumps that require greater than 2.2 Amps).
Taco Model 0013:F3 (1/6 HP) Grundfos Model 26-99F (1/6 HP)
Size the circulating pump based on the pressure loss of the boiler and the piping.
- Install the circulating pump near the return to the boiler.
Electrical Cautions
- Connect the power to the circulating pumps to the terminal in the boiler.
- This model does not require a boiler protection loop.
- The unit may operate under cold weather conditions to prevent freezing.
- The freeze protection in this appliance relies on the ability to control the water that is circulating through it. In order to
be protected from cold weather, please make sure that nothing will prevent the unit from being able to circulate water:
- The freeze prevention in this appliance will not work if power is lost or disconnected, if power is not connected to
the pump, if the pump is not connected to the unit, or if the pump fails.
- Additionally, if any of the loops that the boiler is supplying hot water to is blocked or shut off, the freeze
prevention may not be able to function properly.
- Connect the pump on the indirect water heating loop to the discharge side of the pump for the heating loop (See
- Use an aquastat on the indirect domestic water heating tank and connect it to the Priority 1 terminal inside the boiler.
Connect the thermostat of the heating system to the Priority 2 terminal in the boiler.
- A 15 VDC, 0.1 Amp signal flows in the terminals. Use low Amp thermostats or zone controllers. 15 Amp devices may
not operate properly.
Anti-freeze Requirements
- Use only inhibited propylene glycol solutions which are specifically formulated for hydronic systems. When using
anti-freeze, use Noritz approved anti-freeze only. Do not use ethylene glycol or any other substitutes.
- The anti-freeze must be used and maintained according to the anti-freeze manufacturer's instructions.
Damages caused by misuse of anti-freeze are not covered by the Limited Warranty.
- Check the anti-freeze at least once per year for proper product concentration and pH level.
- Replace the anti-freeze every two years or as required by the anti-freeze manufacturer to prevent corrosion and
clogging of the pipes.