la Pavoni
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This manual is an integral part of the machine and must
be carefully studied. It contains information relative
to the correct use of the machine and to its
maintenance (strictly concerning user operations).
The document refers to the BAR AT machine in all the all
ES, E, EC versions. The E version differs from the ES mo-
del in that it isn't fitted with the devices providing hot water
and steam. The EC model produces:
drinks with milk and freshly ground coffee;
hot milk.
Concerning all other functions the versions are the same,
so when a topic pertaining to a single version is dealt
with in the manual, in each instance this will be specified.
La Pavoni S.p.A.
La Pavoni S.p.A.
La Pavoni S.p.A.
La Pavoni S.p.A.
La Pavoni S.p.A.
Via Pri vata g orizia, 7 - 20098 S . Giuliano Milanese (Mi)
This manual should be carefully kept and must accompany
the machi n e throughout i t s operati v e l i f e, i n cl u di n g the possi b l e
change of ownership.
In case of loss or damage to the document, a copy should be
immedia tel y r equested fr
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Symbols used
Symbols used
Symbols used
Symbols used
Symbols used
This man ual uses dif fer ent types of
of emphasising various levels of danger or the specific con-
Alongside the graphic symbol, a message will define the pro-
cedures to be appl i e d and al l useful i n formati o n wi l l be detai l e d:
It highlights dangerous situations for the machine
operators and for the machine itself.
Maintenance Technician
It is used to suggest operations that can only be carried
out by personnel specialised in performing maintenance
i n terventi o ns.
It indicates operations that, when carried out,
safeguard proper machine operation
w ar nings f or the pur pose
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Notes for the user
Notes for the user
Notes for the user
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Notes for the user
Notes for the user
The machine is programmable with regard to the dosage
for each type of dispensing.
The machine must be installed in a properly lit, sheltered
and dry place and on a working surface able to withstand
i t s wei g ht.
• The following points have to be taken into account in order to
guarantee the correct operation of the machine and to re-
tain its characteristics during the course of its working life:
atur e: 10 ° C to 40 ° C
- Ambient temper
- Maximum humidity: 90%
For possible requirements always refer to the Distributor
or Impor ter f or eac h Countr y. If the specific Countr
no Importer reference should be made directly to the Ma-
nufactur er.
In case of damages to the power cable, it must be repla-
ced b y the Man uf actur er or b y its Tec hnical Assistance
Service, or by a person with similar qualifications in order
to prevent any risk.
The AUTHORISED SER VICE CENTRES ar e a vaila ble f or
any type of explanation and information pertaining to ma-
chine operation and to satisfy requests for the supply of
spare parts or technical assistance.
The Manufacturer reserves the right to introduce further
i m provements to the machi n e wi t hout noti c e.
All rights of reproduction of the present manual are reser-
ved b y the Man ufactur er.
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Intended use of the machine
Intended use of the machine
Intended use of the machine
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Intended use of the machine
Intended use of the machine
The machine can be programmed and automatically supplies
the fol l o wi n g products:
hot drinks based on instantl
hot drinks based on pr
hot water and steam (ES version) for the preparation
and heating of drinks.
The fully automatic and programmable EC model produces:
drinks with milk and fr
eshl y g round cof fee;
hot mi l k .
In case of improper use each form of warranty will be
void and the Manufacturer declines any responsibility
for damages to objects or harm to people.
The following instances fall under the definition of improper
any use other than that foreseen and/or by way of techni-
ques dif fering fr om those indica
any intervention on the machine contrasting with the indi-
cations referred to in this publication;
any use after tampering with components and/or after
modifications to the safety devices;
installation of the machine outdoors.
Engl i s h
y has
y-g round cof fee beans;
e-g round cof fee;
ted b y this pub lica tion;