Client Settings
When you first access the Connection Type page under Windows, the web browser asks for the
installation of a new plug-in. This plug-in was registered at certification and can be used to change
parameters on the Client settings page. To install the plug-in, click "Install". If the web browser
prevents continuation of the installation, open the Internet security settings and reduce the security
level or consult the IT administrator or network administrator.
Four settings are available on the Client-Settings page. "Stream Option" defines which stream will be
used for display on the IE main page. Under "Media Options", you can disable the audio- or video
function. Under "Protokoll Options", you can select a transmission protocol for data transfer between
the client and the server. Several protocol options are available for optimising the application: UDP
unicast, UDP multicast, TCP und HTTP.
The UDP protocol gives you a larger number of realtime audio and video streams. However, some
data packets can be lost due to the large data volume in the network. Pictures can be unclear. The
UDP protocol is recommended if you have no special requirements.
With the TCP protocol, fewer data packets are lost and the video display is more accurate. The
disadvantage of this protocol is that the realtime stream is worse than with the UDP protocol.