A nano transceceiver is a small receiver that is inserted into a USB port and will send and receive
wireless signals from a mouse or a keyboard. Each nano transceceiver is configured to
automatically communicate with a specific device or set of devices. Your nano transceceiver will
not interfere with other wireless devices, and will not work with other wireless keyboards or
wireless mouse devices.
Your nano receiver can be found stored inside the battery compartment of the mouse or the
keyboard depending on the model that you have purchased.
Connecting the wireless keyboard
Step 1: Press the "Esc" key and the "+ ="" key simultaneously on your keyboard. The red
indicator light on the right top corner will turn on.
Step 2: Immediately insert the receiver unit into
Step 3: Once the connection i
using your wireless keyboard.
Note: If you do not insert the Nano Receiver into the USB port within 10‐15 seconds after
pressing the
to go to Step 1 and restart the procedure again.
If the nano receiver and keyboard and/or mouse are linked and operating properly, and the indicator light
ins blinking, the battery po
Nano Transceiver
Note: Your computer may take a minute or two to automatically load the
drivers the first time.
s established, the indicator light will turn off and
"Esc" and "+=" keys, connection mode will expire, and you will need
wer in the mouse or keyboard is low and the batteries will need to be
any USB port on your laptop or desktop co
Indicator Light
you can now begin