Press START/STOP key after settled. The machine will run within settled data.
5) Hold on left and right heart inductor tightly, the display will show users heart rate and the
twinkle. The display will show P if no heart rate.
6) On Auto program status, Press Speed + - key or speed direct key to exit to manual operate
7) "PULSE PROGRAM" Hrc:Continue press"PROGRAM(P)"key to select Hr1~2 mode, press
"MODE(M)"key to set age, can set it with speed +-(acquiesce 35,can select 10~99).Then press
"MODE(M)"key,can calculated preset pulse data(Hrc1 acquiesce pulse=(220-age)×60%,Hrc2
acquiesce pulse=(220-age)×80%),press speed/incline +- setting, can select70~199time/minute.
Press "START"key go proceed the programs.The machine will be started with 1km/h.During
working,if the pulse data lower than preset pulse,and the difference data within 5~10,then speed
will be increased 0.4KM/H every 10 seconds;if the pulse data lower than preset pulse,and the
difference data more than 10,then speed will be increased 0.8KM/H every 10 seconds;if the pulse
data higher than preset pulse,and the difference data more than 10 or equal 10,then speed will be
decreased 0.8KM/H every 10 seconds;if the pulse data higher than preset pulse,and the
difference data within 5~10,then speed will be decreased 0.4KM/H every 10 seconds.The
maximum speed will be increased into 10 KM/H,the minimum speed will be decreased into 1.0
KM/H.The maximum auto incline will be increased into 10,minimum incline will be decreased into
0.Without pulse input,speed/auto incline will not be changed.
8) Pull off emergency stop key, the machine will stop at once and display shows OFF.