Appendix I Common Fault Diagnoses
The phone cannot be
switched on
Battery cannot be charged
Fail to link the network
Cannot make a call
Cannot answer a call
Unable to use some
Possible reasons
1. Check to make sure battery is charged
2. Check to make sure battery is installed properly
1. Check if the charger is connected with the phone correctly.
2. Check if the charger is connected with the socket correctly.
3. Check to make sure that the battery is holding charge. The performance of the battery
will degrade over time.
1. The signal is too weak, or there may be some radio interference. View the signal
indicator on the screen to see whether any bars are showing
Check to make sure the phone is registered in the network. Check whether the screen
displays signal indicator.
1. Check to make sure the phone is registered in the network.
2. Enable the 'call forwarding' function
3. Check to make sure the 'Blacklist incoming' function is enabled.
Consult with network operator for whether it supports these functions and whether
subscription is required.