• The call will go directly to voicemail, if that service is active.
• If you have subscribed to caller ID service, then during an incoming call the caller ID will be displayed on
the screen. If this number is already saved in the contacts list then caller's name will also be displayed on
the screen.
Note: If you have subscribed to the call forwarding services, incoming calls may be forwarded to the specified
number automatically.
Dialing a number from call history
Press the Answer/Send key, select number from the list and press the Answer/Send key again.
Ending a call
Press the End/On/Off Key.
When a call is ended, the call timer stops and the text 'Call Ended' is displayed on the screen.
Dialing a number from Contacts
1. Select Contacts from the main menu
2. Select Contact List
3. Scroll through the list and select the contact to dial
4. Press the Answer/Send key to dial the number
Adding a Contact
To add a new contact
1. Select Contact icon from standby menu