3. Connection to light switch
Switched live (SL) is connected to activate the fan's
timer, i.e. when the bathroom light is switched on,
current is present at switched live.
This option offers a delay of 90 seconds before the
fan starts.
When the light is switched off, there is a delay of 5,
15 or 30 minutes before the fan stops (post-running
time), depending on your preferred control panel
4. Connection to momentary switch
Switched live (SL) is connected to activate the fan's
timer using a momentary switch. With this setup,
the fan starts immediately. The delay before the fan
stops is 5, 15 or 30 minutes (post-running time),
depending on your preferred control panel setting.
Integrated speed control
Fresh Intellivent also features an integrated speed
control that controls the fan's capacity when the
timer is enabled. If you have linked switched live (SL)
with phase for continuous operation, you may de-
cide, for example, to let the fan run at low speed for
silent operation. When the fan next detects humid
air it switches to the function and speed you have
chosen, silent or max mode. It is, however, the maxi-
mum speed that controls the fan, i.e. if you have set
a higher speed for the timer than the speed selected
for silent mode with humidity control, the fan will
always run at the higher speed. Using a lower speed
for the humidity function when you have continuous
operation would be illogical. Typically, a lower speed
is selected for constant operation, ensuring silent
minimum capacity.
When humid air is present the fan runs in the se-
lected mode of silent or maximum.
Once the humid air has been expelled, the fan re-
turns to running at low speed.