Customer Obligations
Customer Obligations
The Ethernet Interface Module (EIM) must be configured by
a qualified network administrator. The customer must also
provide an IP address for each Ethernet Interface Module
(EIM) Device being used and be able to support TCP/IP
communications protocol. It may be necessary for the site's
network administrator to perform firewall programming to
allow for remote access to the device depending on system
setup and desired computer access.
Ethernet Interface Module Configuration
In order for the Ethernet Interface Module (EIM) to work
properly with your application, it will be necessary for the
network administrator to set up the Ethernet Interface
Module (EIM) device(s). Please follow the steps outlined in
this instruction in order for the unit to communicate properly
with the lighting control system. Greengate recommends
using the built-in configuration web server pages in the unit
as the method of configuration.
The instructions that follow describe the setup of the device
using the web server pages.
The following instructions describe what methodology is
used to configure the unit. Regardless of what the important
settings that must be configured, include the following:
IP Address must be statically assigned
Subnet mask must be set
Default Gateway Address must be assigned
The IP Port must be configured with a port number.
Port # 10001 is usually an unused port that may be
The serial settings must be configured properly per the
instructions for communication to the lighting control
Failure to configure the above settings will result in the
failure of the device to communicate with the lighting
control system.
Making the Initial Connection
Before you begin the device configuration, it will be
necessary to configure your Network Interface Card
connection to be on the same subnet as the EIM's
default IP Address. The default address of the EIM is
192.168.127 .254 before configuration. To change your
computer's TCP/IP settings (Windows XP Steps Shown):
Disconnect your LAN Ethernet connection cable from
your computer.
Access the Windows Control Panel.
Select the Network Connections option.
Ethernet Interface Module
Under the LAN and high-speed internet option, find the
Local Area Connection for your network interface card.
(you may have several listed – if you are not connected
to your building LAN, it will more than likely be the
connection that states "Network cable unplugged")
Right click on the connection and choose Properties
from the pop-up window.
In the General tab, scroll down the list of items and
highlight the option for Internet Protocol (TCP/IP).
7 .
Click on the Properties button.
Make note of the current settings so that you can
reconfigure them after configuration is complete.
Select the Use the following IP address radial button.
10. Type in an IP Address of 192.168.127 .1.
11. Type in the subnet mask
12. Leave all other fields blank.
13. Click on the OK button.
14. Click on the Close button. It may take several seconds
for the new IP settings to take effect.
15. Connect the crossover cable provided from your
computer's Ethernet port to the EIM's Ethernet port.
16. Open your internet browser.
17 . Make certain that cookies are enabled. (please refer
to your internet browser help file for information on
enabling cookies for your browser version).
18. In the browser address window, type in the default EIM
address 192.168.127 .254 and press the Enter key.
19. You will be brought to the web console configuration
tool for the EIM.