
Liens rapides

Ultra Speed
Operator's Manual
Manuel d'utilisation
120V & 230V
Libro de Instrucciones
with NEMA Plug
This book has important information for the use and safe operation of this machine. Failure to read
this book prior to operating or attempting any service or maintenance procedure to your ALTO
machine could result in injury to you or to other personnel; damage to the machine or to other property
could occur as well. You must have training in the operation of this machine before using it. If your
operator(s) cannot read this manual, have it explained fully before attempting to operate this
All directions given in this book are as seen from the operator's position at the rear of the machine.
For new books write to:
., 2100 Highway 265, Springdale, Arkansas 72764.
Form No. 70243A
Printed in the U.S.A.


Table des Matières

Sommaire des Matières pour Alto CLARKE Ultra Speed Burnisher US 1500

  • Page 1 Ultra Speed Operator's Manual Burnisher Manuel d'utilisation 120V & 230V Libro de Instrucciones with NEMA Plug READ THIS BOOK This book has important information for the use and safe operation of this machine. Failure to read this book prior to operating or attempting any service or maintenance procedure to your ALTO machine could result in injury to you or to other personnel;...
  • Page 2: Table Des Matières

    Table of Contents Operator Safety Information ............. 5 Features and Specifications............ 9 Pad Selection Chart ..............9 120 Volt Instructions for Electrical Connection ......12 230 Volt Instructions for Electrical Connection ......14 How to Prepare Machine for Operation ........16 How to Operate the Machine ..........
  • Page 3 CLARKE TECHNOLOGY PULIDORA ULTRA SPEED 120 et 230 volts avec fiche NEMA LIBRO DE INSTRUCCIONES LEA ESTE LIBRO Contiene información importante para el uso y funcionamiento correcto y seguro de la máquina. Lea este libro completamente antes de arrancar la máquina o hacer cualquier operación de mantenimiento. Si non sigue las instrucciones, corre el peligro de herirse o causar lesiones al personal, o causar daños importantes a la máquina o a su entorno.
  • Page 4 CLARKE TECHNOLOGY POLISSEUSE ULTRA SPEED 120V y 230V con ENCHUFE NEMA MANUEL D'UTILISATION LISEZ CE MANUEL Il contient des informations importantes pour une utilisation correcte de la machine, en toute sécurité. Lisez-le complètement avant de mettre la machine en marche ou d'effectuer un entretien. A défaut, vous risqueriez de vous blesser ou de blesser d'autres membres du personnel, d'endommager sérieusement la machine ou de provoquer des dégâts dans son environnement.
  • Page 5: Operator Safety Instructions

    OPERATOR SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS WARNING AVERTISSEMENT ADVERTENCIA DANGER means: Severe bodily injury or death can occur to you or other personnel if the DANGER statements found on this machine or in this Owner's Manual are ignored or are not adhered to. Read and observe all DANGER statements found in this Owner's Manual and on your machine.
  • Page 6: Instrucciones De Seguridad Para El Operador

    OPERATOR SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS (cont.) WARNING: Operating a machine without observing all labels and instructional information could result in injury or damage. Read all machine labels before attempting to operate. Make sure all of the labels and instructional information are attached or fastened to the machine. Get replacement labels and decals from your authorized distributor.
  • Page 7: Instructions Pour La Securite De L'operateur

    AVISO: Cualquier modificación o cambio de la máquina o parte de ella puede causar averías o daños a la máquina o herir al operador u otras personas que se encuentran cerca. Se anulará toda garantía en caso de modificaciones y cambios no autorizados expresamente por el fabricante. En este caso, se descargará...
  • Page 8 ! DANGER !: Pour éviter tout risque d'incendie, n'utiliser que des produits de nettoyage et des cires pour sol spécialement conçus pour un usage en machine ! DANGER !: Risque d'explosion lorsque la machine est utilisée dans l'environnement immédiat de matériaux ou de vapeurs inflammables.
  • Page 9: Features And Specifications

    FEATURES AND SPECIFICATIONS The direct drive electric burnishers are floor polishing machines. They are operated by moving them forward and backward across the floor. Note: Do not use the machine for wet scrubbing. CAUTION: To prevent serious damage to the floor surface, make sure the machine is always moving forward or backward when the pad driver is in contact with the floor.
  • Page 10: Presentación De La Máquina

    PRESENTACION DE LA MAQUINA Las pulidoras eléctricas con arrastre directo se concibieron para pulir los suelos. Esta operación se efectúa por movimientos de delante hacia atrás. Nota: no use la máquina para fregar con agua. CUIDADO: Para evitar causar daños al suelo, no deje nunca la máquina funcionando largo rato en el mismo sitio.
  • Page 11: Presentation De La Machine

    PRESENTATION DE LA MACHINE Les polisseuses électriques à entraînement direct sont des machines destinées à polir les sols. Cette opération s'effectue par des mouvements d'avant en arrière. Note: ne pas utiliser la machine pour un récurage à l'eau. ATTENTION: Pour éviter d'endommager le sol, ne jamais laisser tourner la machine au même endroit.
  • Page 12: Extension Cords

    120 VOLT MACHINES Instructions for connection to the power supply and the electrical ground. This product must be grounded. If the installation should breakdown, grounding provides a path of low resistance for electric current to reduce the risk of GROUNDED electrical shock.
  • Page 13: Máquinas 120V - Instrucciones Para La Conexión Eléctrica

    MAQUINAS 120 V. MACHINES 120 V. INSTRUCCIONES PARA LA INSTRUCTIONS POUR LE CONEXION ELECTRICA RACCORDEMENT ELECTRIQUE La máquina debe ser puesta a tierra. En caso de Cette machine doit être mise à la terre. Si l'isolation est producirse fallas en el aislamiento, la puesta a tierra es déficiente, le fil de terre constitue un chemin de faible una camino de baja resistencia para la corriente eléctrica résistance qui permet le passage du courant, réduisant...
  • Page 14 230 VOLT MACHINES Instructions for connection to the power supply and the electrical ground. This product must be grounded. If the installation should breakdown, grounding provides a path of low resistance for electric current to reduce the risk of electrical shock. This product is equipped with a cord having an equipment-grounding conductor and ground- ing plug.
  • Page 15: Máquinas 230V - Instrucciones Para La Conexión Eléctrica

    MAQUINAS 230 V. MACHINES 230 V. INSTRUCCIONES PARA LA INSTRUCTIONS POUR LE CONEXIÓN ELECTRICA RACCORDEMENT ELECTRIQUE La máquina debe ser puesta a tierra. En caso de Cette machine doit être mise à la terre. Si l'isolation est producirse fallas en el aislamiento, la puesta a tierra es déficiente, le fil de terre constitue un chemin de faible una camino de baja resistencia para la corriente eléctrica résistance qui permet le passage du courant, réduisant...
  • Page 16: How To Prepare Machine For Operation

    HOW TO PREPARE THE MACHINE FOR OPERATION How To Install the Pads WARNING: Always remove the electrical plug from the electrical outlet before installing or changing the pad. The pad driver assembly is on the bottom underside of the machine. The pad holder holds the pad in position. The machine has a screw-on pad holder.
  • Page 17: Preparación De La Máquina Para Trabajar

    PREPARACION DE LA MAQUINA PREPARATION DE LA MACHINE PARA TRABAJAR AVANT LA MISE EN SERVICE Colocación del disco Pose du disque AVISO: Desconecte siempre el enchufe AVERTISSEMENT: Débrancher toujours de la toma de red antes de colocar la fiche de la prise réseau avant de poser o cambiar un disco.
  • Page 18: How To Operate The Machine

    HOW TO OPERATE THE MACHINE WARNING: Machines can ignite flam- mable materials and vapors. Do not use with or near flam- mables, such as: gasoline, grain dust, solvents and thinners. CAUTION: Allowing the machine to run without moving forward or backward can cause serious damage to the floor surface.
  • Page 19: Puesta En Marcha De La Maquina

    PUESTA EN MARCHA DE LA MAQUINA MISE EN SERVICE DE LA MACHINE AVISO: Materiales y vapores AVERTISSEMENT: Des matériaux et inflamables se pueden vapeurs inflammables inflamar si están en contacto peuvent s'enflammer con la máquina. No use nunca au contact de la machine.
  • Page 20 How to Put the Machine in Storage WARNING: Always remove the electrical plug from the electrical outlet before installing or changing the bag. To put the machine in storage, follow this procedure: 1. Put the handle in the vertical position. 2.
  • Page 21 Rangement de la machine Instrucciones para guardar la máquina AVERTISSEMENT: Toujours débrancher AVISO: Siempre desconecte el enchufe la fiche de la prise de la toma de red antes de colocar o réseau avant cambiar la bolsa. d'installer ou de changer le sac. Para guardar la máquina, siga este procedimiento: Pour ranger la machine, suivre la procédure ci-après : 1.
  • Page 22: How To Correct Problems In The Machine

    HOW TO CORRECT PROBLEMS IN THE MACHINE Problem Cause Action The machine will not run. The machine may not have Make sure the machine is connected to any power. the correct voltage and frequency and that all connections are tight or, Make sure the machine is plugged in.
  • Page 23: Posibles Problemas Y Soluciones

    POSIBLES PROBLEMAS Y SOLUCIONES Problema Causa Solucion La máquina no funciona. No hay alimentación. Compruebe si la máquina está conectada con la toma de red Compruebe si la máquina está conectada con un red cuyas tensión y fr ecuencia son correctas y compruebe si todas las conexiones están correcta mente apretadas.
  • Page 24: Pannes Courantes Et Solutions

    PANNES COURANTES ET SOLUTIONS Probleme Cause Solution La machine ne fonctionne Pas d'alimentation. Vérifier que la machine est branchée sur la prise réseau. Vérifier que la machine est raccordée à un réseau dont la tension et la fréquence sont correctes et vérifier que toutes les connexions sont bien serrées.
  • Page 25 Ultra Speed Burnisher Section II Parts and Service Manual (70243A) CLARKE TECHNOLOGY Operator's Manual - Ultra Speed Burnisher Page -25 -...
  • Page 26: Maintenance

    MAINTENANCE WARNING: Maintenance and repairs must be done by authorized personnel only WARNING: To prevent electric shock, always remove the electrical plug from the electrical outlet before doing any repairs or maintenance to the machine. WARNING: Do not operate this machine unless it is completely as- sembled.
  • Page 27: Entretien

    MANTENIMIENTO ENTRETIEN AVISO: El mantenimiento y las AVERTISSEMENT: L'entretien et les reparaciones deben ser efectuados réparations doivent être por técnicos cualificados. effectués par des techniciens qualifiés. AVISO: Para evitar el peligro de electrocución, desconecte siempre AVERTISSEMENT: Pour éviter tout risque el enchufe antes de realizar un d'électrocution, mantenimiento o una reparación...
  • Page 28 3. Pull back each spring and pull the brush out of the holder. Keep the lead wire connected. 4. Turn the pad driver and look at the part of the commutator that the brushes touch. 5. Take the machine to a Clarke Technology autho- SMALL UNEVEN rized repair location if you see any of the following...
  • Page 29 Déposer le couvercle. Saque la tapa. Quite los dos tornillos de sujeción del Enlever les deux vis de fixation du garant fiador circular de las escobillas. circulaire des balais. Libere los resortes y saque las escobillas de Relâcher les ressorts et sortir les balais de leur sus soportes.
  • Page 30 CLARKE TECHNOLOGY Ultra Speed Burnisher Assembly Parts List 5/03 40 43 38 37 112 69 Page - 30 - CLARKE TECHNOLOGY Operator's Manual - Ultra Speed Burnisher...
  • Page 31: Assembly Parts List 5/03

    CLARKE TECHNOLOGY Ultra Speed Burnisher Assembly Parts List 5/03 Ref Part No. Description Part No. Description 85383A Screw, 10-32 x ¾ 52043A Cap, Screw 50779A Handle, Front 87201A Washer, #6 Int. Star 50820A Spring, Extension 962738 Screw, 6-32 x (US 1500) 50798A Lever, Switch 85413A...
  • Page 32: Electrical Schematic

    CLARKE TECHNOLOGY Ultra Speed Burnisher Electrical Schematic 120 & 230 Volts 11/00 Page - 32 - CLARKE TECHNOLOGY Operator's Manual - Ultra Speed Burnisher...
  • Page 33: Motor Drawing And Parts List 1/02

    CLARKE TECHNOLOGY Ultra Speed Burnisher Motor Drawing and Parts List 1/02 (Motor PN's 44712A, 45025A, 45026A, 45028A, 45029A and 45030A) Part No. Description 50717A Thru-Bolt 52045A Commutator Bracket 56282A Hex Nut 912287 Rectifier (120V) 46105A Rectifier (230V) 962054 Screw 448396 Spring 51405A Brush Assembly (120V)
  • Page 34 NOTES...
  • Page 35 CLARKE PRODUCT SUPPORT BRANCHES U. S. A. Locations European Locations CORPO PRODUCTION FACILITIES PRODUCTION FACILITIES ALTO Danmark A/S, Aalborg Clarke ® , Springdale, Arkansas Blytaekkervej 2 2100 Highway 265 DK-9000 Aalborg Springdale, Arkansas 72764 +45 72 18 21 00 (479) 750-1000 Customer Service - 1-800-253-0367 ALTO Danmark A/S, Hadsund Technical Service - 1-800-356-7274...
  • Page 36 CLARKE TECHNOLOGY U.S. WARRANTY This Clarke Technology Industrial/Commercial Product is warranted to be free from defects in materials and workmanship under normal use and service for a period of one year from the date of purchase, when operated and maintained in accordance with Clarke Technology's Maintenance and Operations Instructions. All handle components are warranted for 5 years to be free from defects in materials or workmanship under normal use and service.

Ce manuel est également adapté pour:

Ultra speed burnisher us 2000Ultra speed burnisher us 2500

Table des Matières