FM radio
Your phone has a built-in FM radio so you can tune in to your favorite stations and listen on
the go. To listen to the radio, from the Home screen, tap
FM Radio
Searching for stations
You can tune in to radio stations by searching for them manually or automatically.
Open the FM Radio application, then tap
During auto scanning, tap Cancel if you want to stop scanning. Only scanned channels
are saved before you stop scanning.
LG SmartWorld
LG SmartWorld offers an assortment of exciting content - fonts, themes, games,
How to Get to LG SmartWorld from Your Phone
Tap Sign in and enter ID/PW for LG SmartWorld. If you have not signed up yet, tap
Register to receive your LG SmartWorld membership.
Download the content you want.
When you use Cellular network, data fee could be charged by data plan that you signed-
up with carrier.
LG SmartWorld may not be available from all carriers or in all countries.
< Apps tab < tap the
< Apps tab )if necessary( <
< Scan.
icon to access LG SmartWorld.