Polymax 1, 1 / 120 °C, 3 and 5
4. Safety advice
Attention! Read the following notes before connecting and putting the unit into
service. The operating service and the function of the unit can only be guaranteed for,
if the general safety and accident prevention instructions of the legislation as well as
the safety instructions of the working instruction are observed.
1. This unit must only be used according
to the present working instructions. We
cannot be held liable for damages which
have been caused by improper treat-
ment resp. faulty manners of operation.
2. The unit has to be placed onto a sta-
ble and even surface, which is suitable
for the operation weight of the unit.
3. The indicated voltage on the type
plate has to meet the voltage of the
power source.
4. Connect the unit only to a socket
with protective conductor. Never touch
the plug with wet hands.
5. The pressure of the compressed air
line must not exceed 10 bar.
6. The heating of the unit may only be
switched on, if a sufficient quantity of
water has been poured.
7. Do not lock the operation elements
of the unit.
8. Plates and labels have to be main-
tained in a well legible condition and
must not be removed.
9. Authorised operators: The operating
company of the machine has to hold
the working instructions at the oper-
ators' disposal and has to make sure
that authorised operators have read
and understood the manual. Only in
that case the operators may operate
the unit.
10. The unit has to be examined before
operation in view of proper condition.
If the unit is not in proper condition, it
must not be used and has to be marked
11. In case of longer works at maxi-
mum operation temperature the lid of
the unit may heat up to 70 °C (100 °C
in case of the Polymax 1 ° / 120 °C).
Therefore it must not be touched – not
even for a short moment.
12. At all processing steps which are
executed under pressure please wait
with the opening of the lid until the
compressed air has completely escaped
from the pressure pot.
13. Please do not bend over the unit
while opening the lid. Due to the escape
of hot steam there is the danger of
14. Before cleaning and maintenance
of the unit or the changing of parts the
plug has to be disconnected.
15. Do not intrude any objects into
20. According to the pressure tank reg-
the unit.
ulation the Polymax is a pressure tank
of the test group I. These pressure tanks
16. The opening of the unit and repairs
do not need to be taken a test again.
are only to be carried outby accordingly
But we recommend to check the pres-
trained experts.
sure pot every 3 years by the manu-
17. Arbitrary rebuilding or modifica-
21. The required operation and main-
tions are not permitted due to safety
tenance conditions mentioned in these
working instructions are to be com-
18. Only those appliances and spare
plied with imperatively. When work-
parts may be used which are released by
ing with the Polymax the general acci-
the manufacturer. We are not responsible
dent prevention regulations have to be
for damages caused by the use of out-
side parts.
19. If the unit is not used for a longer
time, please disconnect the mains.